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26 Modern Ways to Detox

From Gwyneth Paltrow's 21-Day Cleanse to Snake Venom

— July 10, 2009 — Lifestyle
With fans eager to learn about Gwyneth Paltrow’s 21-day cleanse (a program developed by Dr. Alejandro Junder involving one meal a day, plenty of shakes and ‘clean’ food), we thought we’d take a look at some of the most modern ways to detox. While we don’t endorse any of these, it’s interesting to gain perspective on the different approaches people take in an attempt to improve their health or lose weight.

In addition to Gwyneth Paltrow’s Cleanse diet, other celebrity detox dieters that have garnered attention are Beyonce and Oprah, among many others -- even Megan Fox uses vinegar as a form of detox for weight loss.
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Venom-Infused Chickens
Venom-Infused Chickens
China Ends Snake-Bite Slaughtering Strategies
Mirthful Therapy
Mirthful Therapy
A Serving of Hearty Laughter Will Banish Your Winter Blues
Strange Global Detox Techniques
Strange Global Detox Techniques
Kinoki Cleansing Foot Pads
Dry Bathing to Self-Clean
Dry Bathing to Self-Clean
Japanese Stone-Slab Baths
Detoxifying Fruit
Detoxifying Fruit
Botox in a Berry
Rejuvenation Cruises
Rejuvenation Cruises
Intermittent Hypoxic Training Wellness Vacations
Modern Eco Diets
Modern Eco Diets
The Raw Food Diet Makes a Comeback For Healthier, Greener Lifestyles
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
WoundRX Technology Gives New Hope for Chronic Wounds
Gem Stone Spa Treatments
Gem Stone Spa Treatments
Diamond Massages Are The Latest Spark Among The Rich And Famous
Plant-Based Diets
Plant-Based Diets
Chronic Diseases Reversed, Obesity Ended Per ‘The China Study'
Portable Oxygen Bar
Portable Oxygen Bar
Active Pretox Drink
Active Pretox Drink
Do you need an Alibi?
Fountain of Youth Pills
Fountain of Youth Pills
Anti-Aging Drugs
Crackberry Rehabs
Crackberry Rehabs
Sheraton Chicago Hotel Offers BlackBerry Detox
Edible Insects
Edible Insects
Combining Light, Sound & Massage Therapy
Combining Light, Sound & Massage Therapy
The OSIM uSpace
Anti-Aging Spa Pods
Anti-Aging Spa Pods
Oxygen Baths Prevent Cancer and Make You Look Younger
Oxygen Detox
Oxygen Detox
At Home Oxygen Bar
Raw Food Diets
Raw Food Diets
Angela Stokes Sheds 50% of Weight With Raw Food
Luxury Water Massages
Luxury Water Massages
Bottled Natural Beauty
Bottled Natural Beauty
Nestle Glowelle Anti-Aging Drinks
Celebrity Diets
Celebrity Diets
5 Famous Plans
Aquarium Massages
Aquarium Massages
HydroGlass Hydrotherapy Table Has a Heated Mattress, Vichy Shower Heads
Debunking Extreme Diets
Debunking Extreme Diets
Scarlett Johansson Blogs Weight Loss in News Column
Post Pregnancy Fitness
Post Pregnancy Fitness
10 Celebrity Shape Ups
Vinegar for Weight Loss
Vinegar for Weight Loss
Megan Fox's Diet Secret