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27 Designer Fruit Dishes

From Bulbous Abstract Salvers to Science-Inspired Dishware

— November 28, 2011 — Art & Design
Even if you aren't obsessed with interior decorating and design, you are still going to want to check out all of these designer fruit dishes. The seemingly boring fruit bowl has been the target of innovation and creativity from all types of artists and designers. These creatives have used their imagination and artistic talents to create awesome oddities like mushroom cloud fruit bowls and baby doll fruit dishes.

You often see an artist or designers most creative side when they craft a fresh look for something simple and tame like a fruit bowl. That's a bold statement, but it's corroborated by all of these amazing designer fruit dishes. Giant salad bowl doubling as fruit bowl, your time is nigh.
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Freeway Dishware
Freeway Dishware
Will Holman's Road Sign Fruit Bowls Bring the Highway Home
Contemporary Fruit Containers
Contemporary Fruit Containers
La Mamba's Omelette-Ed Collection Look Like Abstract Sculptures
Alien Invader Fruit Bowls
Alien Invader Fruit Bowls
The Flying Saucer Bowl Will Boggle Everyone's Minds
Nuclear Art
Nuclear Art
Oooh!design Fruit Bowl Modeled After Atomic Blast
Decorative Humidifying Dishes
Decorative Humidifying Dishes
This Fresh Fruit Bowl Has a Water Reservoir for Delivering Moisture
Stool-Like Dishware
Stool-Like Dishware
The Thomas Feichtner Fruit Bowl Looks Like a Piece of Furniture
Bendable Bowls
Bendable Bowls
The Lago Fruit Bowl by Moises Hernandez Changes Shape When Filled with Items
Bulbous Abstract Salvers
Bulbous Abstract Salvers
The Staphylos Fruit Bowl has an Engaging Effervescence
Dual-Purpose Bowls
Dual-Purpose Bowls
Jacob Nitz's TESSA Vessel is Perfect for Small Spaces
Framed Fruit Art
Framed Fruit Art
The Still Life Fruit Bowl Makes Any Fruit Display a Work of Art
Fruit Stack
Fruit Stack
A New Way To Store Fruit
Billiard-Inspired Fruit Bowls
Billiard-Inspired Fruit Bowls
Triangle Dinnerware Lets You Play With Your Food
Dainty Doll-Faced Dishware
Dainty Doll-Faced Dishware
The Ceramage Pottery Shop is Packed with Personified Pieces
Dimpled Serving Dishes
Dimpled Serving Dishes
Crate by Andrew Tanner has a Surface of Many Fruit Bowls in One
Barbed Fruit Bowls
Barbed Fruit Bowls
FrecciaMela by ApiuPiu Design is a Wall-Mounted Arrow for Holding Apples
Science-Inspired Dishware
Science-Inspired Dishware
The Particle Fruit Bowl Takes the Form of a Citric Acid Molecule
Spiky Fruit Stands
Spiky Fruit Stands
The Zepter Fruit Bowl is a Two-Faced Abstract Dish
Ultra Luxury Fruit Bowls
Ultra Luxury Fruit Bowls
Gold Banana Bowl
Fruit Bowl Branches
Fruit Bowl Branches
Pick Your Food Straight from the Tree with the 'Mangier' by Smarin
Flat-Pack Kitchen Inventions
Flat-Pack Kitchen Inventions
Space-Saving Efforts Gets Boost from Petal Bowl by Maria Pitallano
Winsome Whale Wire Baskets
Winsome Whale Wire Baskets
Fetching Fantasico Domestico Animal Fruit Bowls
Fruit-Specific Dishware
Fruit-Specific Dishware
Apple Dish Has Built-In Core Storage
Flexible Wireframe Fruit Bowls
Flexible Wireframe Fruit Bowls
The Appler Offers Adaptable Storage for Fresh Food
Literal Fruit Bowls
Literal Fruit Bowls
Harry Allen Casts Actual Fruit to Make His Bowls
Food Graphics on Dishes
Food Graphics on Dishes
Fun Plastic Snack Bowls
Flatpack Fruit Bowls
Flatpack Fruit Bowls
The Gills Bowl by Bettina Nissen Folds to Form a Dish
Double Duty Dishes
Double Duty Dishes
Sakura Adachi's ‘Eclipse' Steel Fruit Bowls are a 2-in-1 Inno