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Top 100 Design Trends in 2013

From DIY Cement Sound Blocks to Adult Fold-Up Bunk Beds

— February 1, 2014 — Autos
The most inspiring and attention-grabbing design trends in 2013 focus on their aspects of customization. Designers and artists broke free from tradition this year and created art, decor, consumer products and structures with qualities that enabled people to make them their own.

A popular theme across all design industries this year is definitely that of "do it yourself" and this remains trues for design trends in 2013. While a large majority of DIY projects and products fall under home and decor categories, we also see them branching out to the design of other items as well. Things like bicycles, packaging and jewelry have all adopted upcycled properties and characteristics. This ability to create custom products for a wide range of nice markets continues to appeal to consumers.

For more insight into why design trends are becoming more personalized and one-of-a-kind -- and what this means for designers in the future -- check out Trend Hunter's Design Trend Report.
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Spacious City Getaways
Spacious City Getaways
Thomas Griem's Penthouse Apartment Brings a Country Feel into the City
Expandable Slinky Art
Expandable Slinky Art
The Li Hongbo Accordion-like Sculptures are Made Entirely with Paper
Cleverly Configured Beds
Cleverly Configured Beds
The Auping Essential Bed is Ideal for the Active Lifestyle
Minimalist Holiday Evergreens
Minimalist Holiday Evergreens
The Glass Rod Tree from CB2 is a Modern Take on Christmas Decor
Simple Stylish Upcycled Bicycles
Simple Stylish Upcycled Bicycles
The Phantom is the Creation of Multiple Refurbished Bike Parts
Finger-Amputating Rings
Finger-Amputating Rings
The 'Cleaver Ring' Makes Your Hand Look Morbid
Lightheartedly Fused Furnishings
Lightheartedly Fused Furnishings
Bed'nTable Merges the Primary Pieces of the Bedroom and Kitchen
Discretely Disguised Guest Beds
Discretely Disguised Guest Beds
The Wheelers Cot is a Perfect Reproduction of 19th Century Designs
Humorously Devious Luggage Decals
Humorously Devious Luggage Decals
The Cheeky Bag Tag Stickers Won't Pass Airport Security
Temporary Costume Eye Tattoos
Temporary Costume Eye Tattoos
These Halloween Tattoos Create Dramatic Cat Eye Makeup Looks
Shadow-Casting Chandeliers
Shadow-Casting Chandeliers
'Forms in Nature' is a Modern Chandelier Concept
Flowing Organic Steel Sculptures
Flowing Organic Steel Sculptures
The 'Flow' Collection Transforms Steel into Life-Like Sculptures
Amazingly Disguised Cakes
Amazingly Disguised Cakes
Louise Caola Bakes Cakes That Look Like Other Foods
Reality-Defying Photography
Reality-Defying Photography
Erik Johansson Returns with More Mind-Bending Photos
Adaptable Timber Tables
Adaptable Timber Tables
ETC Tables Let You Figure Out Their Optimal Functions
Rainbow Crystal Chokers
Rainbow Crystal Chokers
Rhinestone Statement Necklaces are Chearful and Colorful
Dualing Princess Illustrations
Dualing Princess Illustrations
This Disney Princess Fight Club Scenario is by Yehudi Mercado
Strikingly Surreal Landscapes
Strikingly Surreal Landscapes
These Photos Contain Mysterious Figures and Unusual Surroundings
Body-Inspired Bikes
Body-Inspired Bikes
The Zapfina Bike Takes Inspiration from Your Body to Create a Smooth Ride
Humanized Comic Heroes
Humanized Comic Heroes
'The Secret Life of Heroes' Shows Comic Icons as Average People
Contemporary Outdoor Office Spaces
Contemporary Outdoor Office Spaces
The Skype Palo Alto Offices are a Modern Work Haven
Living Self-Powered Lamps
Living Self-Powered Lamps
The 'LivingLight' Grows Herbs While Generating Its Own Power
Super Vixen Magazine Covers
Super Vixen Magazine Covers
Artgerm Turns Your Favorite Superheroine into a Glamorous Supermodel
Father-Inspired Minimalist Tattoos
Father-Inspired Minimalist Tattoos
Designer Kirk Wallace’s Crop Circle Tattoo Pays Tribute t
Illusory Shelf Extenders
Illusory Shelf Extenders
Extend by Yasuko Furukawa is the Ultimate Floating Book Shelf
X-Rayed Disney Icons
X-Rayed Disney Icons
This X-ray Coloring Book Give Us a Better Look into Disney Characters
Suspended Bathing Pods
Suspended Bathing Pods
The Bathsphere Features a Completely Customizable Environment
Laser-Cut Business Cards
Laser-Cut Business Cards
These Conceptual Cards by Gabe Ferreira are Clean and Precise
Stunning Surreal World Art
Stunning Surreal World Art
These Surreal Captures Blend Real World Beauty with Elements of Fantasy
Iconic Motivational Posters
Iconic Motivational Posters
Illustrator Tang Yau Hoong Creates Smart Visuals to Match Wise Quotes
Handmade Illuminated Signs
Handmade Illuminated Signs
These 'Oh, Hello Friend' DIY Marquee Lights Will Prepare You for Fame
Cat Meme Cartoon Mashups
Cat Meme Cartoon Mashups
Eric Proctor's Digital Paintings Add a Twist to Grumpy Cat Memes
Cozy Patchwork Seating
Cozy Patchwork Seating
Mangas Space by Patricia Urquiola Are Like Large Knitted Sweaters
Harsh Truth Logos
Harsh Truth Logos
Universal Unbranding by Maentis is a Series of Satirical Art
Realistic Princess Depictions
Realistic Princess Depictions
Modern Disney Heroines by Alana May Features Modern Day Princesses
DIY Paper Cup Lights
DIY Paper Cup Lights
This Totally Love It Garland is Cost-Effective and Chic
Luxury Public Transit Homes
Luxury Public Transit Homes
This Upcycling Project Revamps an Abandoned Vehicle into a Bus Home
Rotating Backrest Daybeds
Rotating Backrest Daybeds
The Revolve Sofa Effortlessly Reconfigures by Hinges into a Comfy Bed
Childish Fantasy Art Crossovers
Childish Fantasy Art Crossovers
This Disney Mashup Art Makes Game of Thrones Look Cute
Shelf-Incorporated Seating
Shelf-Incorporated Seating
OpenBook by TILT Provides a Peaceful Reading Area
DIY Portable Wooden Sanctuaries
DIY Portable Wooden Sanctuaries
The Hermit Houses Offer a Remarkable Way to Enjoy Nature
Customizable Component Escritoires
Customizable Component Escritoires
The Homework Desk Can Be Freely Assembled for Specific Needs
Fast Food Purses
Fast Food Purses
The Eco-Friendly Togo Burger by Seulbi Kim Keeps Items in Order
Firefly-Mimicking Bottle Lamps
Firefly-Mimicking Bottle Lamps
These Handmade Bottle Lamps Are Filled with Firefly-Like Lights
Tribal Superhero Depictions
Tribal Superhero Depictions
Jeffrey Veregge's Superhero Art Depicts Characters with Native Style
Manly Motif Wall Decals
Manly Motif Wall Decals
Mustache Wall Murals from PIXERS Add Masculinity to Your Interior
Functional Outdoor Billboards
Functional Outdoor Billboards
The IBM Smart Ideas for Smarter Cities Campaign Leads by Example
Anatomy-Inclusive Tattoo Art
Anatomy-Inclusive Tattoo Art
Dre2k's Creative Tattoo of Monkey D. Luffy Uses His Own Hand
Transportable Homeless Shelters
Transportable Homeless Shelters
The Urban Rough Sleeper Backpack Helps Support the Homeless
Folded Origami Furnishings
Folded Origami Furnishings
The Plie Collection by Gergely Kiss-Gal is Geometry-Infused
90s Gadget Phone Covers
90s Gadget Phone Covers
This Old-School iPhone 5 Case Will Get You Feeling Nostalgic
Repurposed Pallet Furniture
Repurposed Pallet Furniture
The Re-Stacked Lounger is a Lightweight Mobile Seating Structure
Minimalist Wooden Wallets
Minimalist Wooden Wallets
The Union Wooden Wallet by Madera Studio is the Ultimate Cash Carrier
Custom-Fit Pastry Packaging
Custom-Fit Pastry Packaging
The Triticum Bread Packaging is Ergonomic and Hip in Design
Scrap Metal Animal Sculptures
Scrap Metal Animal Sculptures
The Scrap Metal Animals by Christian Champin are Recycled Brilliance
Truthful Animated Film Titles
Truthful Animated Film Titles
The Honest Disney Movies Series Says It How It Really Is
DIY Tablet Holders
DIY Tablet Holders
Save Some Funds With This 'Mamie Janes' Craft Instead of Going to the Store
Shape-Shifting Bags
Shape-Shifting Bags
The Omni Bag by Kumeko is Inspired by the Art of Origami
Fantasy TV Halloween Costumes
Fantasy TV Halloween Costumes
Try This DIY Daenerys Targaryen Game of Thrones Halloween Costume
Excessive Luxury Submarines
Excessive Luxury Submarines
The 'MIGALOO' Lets You Explore Ocean Depths in Style
Ballpoint Pen Printers
Ballpoint Pen Printers
The Pen Printer Makes Use of Discarded Writing Implements for Ink
Fragmented Plywood Furnishings
Fragmented Plywood Furnishings
The Mate Chair and Table Are Versatile and Customizable
Elegant Lumber Bicycles
Elegant Lumber Bicycles
The BKR Ecoframe Bike Takes Advantage of Timber's Forgiving Properties
Touch-Connecting Bracelets
Touch-Connecting Bracelets
The Tactilu Helps Long Distance Couples Touch Each Other
Dapper Smartphone Wallets
Dapper Smartphone Wallets
The Wally Case Adds a Discreet iPhone Wallet to Your Device Like a Sir
DIY Taped Paperclip Necklaces
DIY Taped Paperclip Necklaces
This Paperclip Necklace is Adorned with Colored Masking Tape
Exceptionally Flexible Bicycles
Exceptionally Flexible Bicycles
The MORI Folding Bike Can Be Customized and Conforms to Your Needs
Concealed Cabinet Escritoires
Concealed Cabinet Escritoires
Wall Desk is a Space-Saving Storage System Doubling as a Workstation
Digital Drafting Tables
Digital Drafting Tables
The iSpace Workstation Replaces Physical Drawing Tools with Virtual Ones
Contemporary Abstract Tattoos
Contemporary Abstract Tattoos
These Tattoo Designs by Slawomir Nitschke are Imaginative
DIY Minimalist Cement Clocks
DIY Minimalist Cement Clocks
This Chic Minimalist Clock DIY is Time Well Spent
DIY Love Origami
DIY Love Origami
Create 3D Valentine Hearts for That Special Someone
Fairytale College Student Cartoons
Fairytale College Student Cartoons
'Disney University' Takes Classic Characters Back to School
Swing Bed Tents
Swing Bed Tents
The Nube Hammock Shelter by Richard Rhett Enhances Camping Experience
Eco-Friendly Metallic Furniture
Eco-Friendly Metallic Furniture
Can City by Studio Swine Involves Scrap Cans and a Mobile Foundry
DIY Industrial Illuminators
DIY Industrial Illuminators
Create Your Own Beautiful Brass Chandelier with this Basic Tutorial
Deceptive Concrete Residences
Deceptive Concrete Residences
The AV House by BAK Arquitectos Shows Cement Can Have Warmth
Adult Fold-Up Bunk Beds
Adult Fold-Up Bunk Beds
The 'Foldaway Adult Bunk Bed' Will Improve Comfort for Campers
DIY Cut-Out Shelves
DIY Cut-Out Shelves
The Triangular Wall-Caddy by Brit+Co is Crafty and Creative
Compact Portable Houses
Compact Portable Houses
The Port-a-Bach Container Home Provides Freedom of Movement
Petite Luxury Campers
Petite Luxury Campers
The MINI Campers are Ideal for the Modern-Day Adventurer
DIY Toolbox-Themed Cards
DIY Toolbox-Themed Cards
This Printable Father's Day Card Opens up Like a Toolbox
Pop Culture Costumed Princesses
Pop Culture Costumed Princesses
Isaiah Stephens Shows Halloween Disney Princesses in Costume
Ebony Engagement Rings
Ebony Engagement Rings
Make a Bold and Dramatic Statement with Black Gold Rings
Tradition-Breaking Rings
Tradition-Breaking Rings
This Black Engagement Ring is a Distinct Change from the Norm
Cozy Bunk Bed Tents
Cozy Bunk Bed Tents
The Sky Tent 2 Offers Tree Huggers a Neat Tent Alternative
DIY Cruller Lamps
DIY Cruller Lamps
This Wooden Lamp is Stylishly Twisted in Shape
DIY Cement Sound Docks
DIY Cement Sound Docks
This DIY Sound Dock Adds Ambiance to Your Music with No External Speakers
DIY Origami Box Lights
DIY Origami Box Lights
Adorn Old Christmas Lights with Colorful Paper Boxes to Make Origami Lights
Provocative Superhero Graffiti
Provocative Superhero Graffiti
Anthony Noble has Depicted Superheroes with an Edge in His Work
Slidable Sleeping Sofas
Slidable Sleeping Sofas
The Vento Convertible Bed Couch Does Not Need to be Pulled Out
Sci-Fi Royal Cartoons
Sci-Fi Royal Cartoons
The Star Wars Disney Princess Project Turns Them into Jedis and Siths
Contemporary Camper Concepts
Contemporary Camper Concepts
The Caraviso Caravan is Designed for Upscale Outdoorsmen
Gruesome Halloween Decor
Gruesome Halloween Decor
Neighbors were Spooked by This Scary Halloween Prank