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26 Cyborg & Prosthetic Innovations

Tech-Savvy Enhancements to Mother Nature

— June 27, 2009 — Art & Design
We've seen a number of ways in which designers and scientists have attempted to enhance Mother Nature and make the human body even better. From fashionable prosthetics to cyborg contact lenses, the slideshow below features some of the most incredible examples of this phenomenon.

Check out these innovations and more below.

Implications - Science fiction isn't as far from reality as you might think, and for those willing to think with the future in mind, these cyborg innovations represent the brave new world of technological innovation that looms on the horizon. For businesses looking to stay ahead of the curb, the ways in which science and biology can join forces is definitely a good place to start.
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Geeky Computer Gadgets
Geeky Computer Gadgets
The Cyborg Gaming Keyboard
Emotion Audio-Prosthesis from Panasonic
Emotion Audio-Prosthesis from Panasonic
Camera Implants For Insects
Camera Implants For Insects
Cyborg Spy Flies
Cyborg Cover Shots
Cyborg Cover Shots
Chris Milk Shoots Kanye West Into the Future for Complex
Cyborg Athletes for Cell Phones
Cyborg Athletes for Cell Phones
Beckham Goes 'Terminator' for the Motorola AURA
Cyborg Prosthetics for Humans
Cyborg Prosthetics for Humans
The Eye-Mounted Webcam
Prosthetic Lungs
Prosthetic Lungs
Respiratory Aids to Wear Around Your Waist
Prosthetics for the Poor
Prosthetics for the Poor
JaipurKnee Project's $20 Artificial Knees to Developing World
Cyborg Photography
Cyborg Photography
Is The EyeCamera 4.1 With Wink and Shoot A Hoax?
USB Replacement Fingers
USB Replacement Fingers
Finnish Techie Has Handy Device Embedded In Prosthetic
Cyborg Contact Lenses
Cyborg Contact Lenses
Control Your Mouse with Your Eye Movements
Wearable Transportation
Wearable Transportation
‘The Chariot' Makes You Look Like a Cyborg
Bionic Animal Innovation
Bionic Animal Innovation
Hi-Tech Surgery Provides Prosthetic Paw to Footless Pooch
Cyborg Firefighter Armor
Cyborg Firefighter Armor
'PyroPack' Makes Firemen Look Like "RoboCop"
Prosthetic Arms for Wounded Soldiers
Prosthetic Arms for Wounded Soldiers
Dean Kamen's Luke Arm Demo
DARPA-Inspired Cyborg Bugs
DARPA-Inspired Cyborg Bugs
Dean Christ's Controversial Collection Casts Eye On Warfare
Prosthetic Arm Fashion
Prosthetic Arm Fashion
Huseklepp 'Immaculate' Design Makes Prosthetics Functionally Hip
Incredible CGI Cyborgs
Incredible CGI Cyborgs
“Terminator Salvation” Design Art Released
Cyborg Chic
Cyborg Chic
Dazed Digital Shows Outrageous Plastic Masks For ‘Man Machine' Edition
High-Tech Prosthetics
High-Tech Prosthetics
Colin Matso's Design for Nike Enables the Disabled
Humanimal Masks
Humanimal Masks
NorthFur FX Animal Nose Prosthetics
Real Life Cyborgs
Real Life Cyborgs
Pierced Metal Mohawks On the Head Of The Flesh Stappling Inventor
Cyborg Accessories for Men
Cyborg Accessories for Men
Metal Couture by Manuel Albarran
Fashionable Prosthetics
Fashionable Prosthetics
Una Burke's Constricted Creations Are Inspired by Medical Braces
Robot A-List Actresses
Robot A-List Actresses
Photoshopped Celebrity Cyborgs
Becoming Cyborg
Becoming Cyborg
Samppa von Cyborg Aims to be World's Most Extreme Freak (UPDATE)