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35 Creative Cabinets

From Dead Storage to Pureed Paper Doors

— July 31, 2011 — Art & Design
Furniture in one's house does not have to be boring, and these creative cabinets demonstrate the amazing designs for storage space fittings.

The dead storage cabinet is a slightly altered coffin, providing both a spooky and unique air to any home decorator's room. Although scary, individuals are bound to impress guests with this innovative contraption. For the less morbid folk, other creative cabinets include multicolored drawers for a psychedelic feel and curvy furniture that is anything but straightedge. Pump up your living space with these amazing designs.

Implications - These various cabinets take a traditional product and make slight alterations to appeal to the busy consumer. Companies would be wise to offer commodities with small changes to remain innovative yet relevant to contemporary individuals.
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Fiber Optic Cabinets
Fiber Optic Cabinets
Horm Voltaceleste by Salvatore Indriolo
Complex Cabinets
Complex Cabinets
The Solo Storage Box is Inspired by Architecture and Typography
Wacky Eclectic Cabinets
Wacky Eclectic Cabinets
The 'Trashboy' Bureau is a Hybrid of Mismatched Pieces
Blueprint Cabinets
Blueprint Cabinets
Minale Maeda Outlines the Schematics of their Latest Furniture
Curvy Cabinet Designs
Curvy Cabinet Designs
Mick Born's Cabinets Need to be Felt-Up to be Opened
Human Alcohol Cabinets
Human Alcohol Cabinets
Atelier Van Lieshout Designs the Liquor Master
Colourful Chromatic Cabinets
Colourful Chromatic Cabinets
The Boca do Lobo 'Pixel' Cabinet is Creative Storage
Crafty Culinary Cabinets
Crafty Culinary Cabinets
The Bar Block Kitchen Addition is One Tasty Design
Folding Wooden Cabinets
Folding Wooden Cabinets
The Accordion Cabinet by Elisa Strozyk and Sebastian Neeb
Perforated Lighting Cabinets
Perforated Lighting Cabinets
'Light Box' by Studio Jo Meesters is a Bureau That Acts Like a Lamp
Salvaged Scrap Closets
Salvaged Scrap Closets
The Eco-Friendly Armadiature by Robi Renzi
Engraved Character Cabinets
Engraved Character Cabinets
Comic Furniture by Flying Cavalries Shows Personality
Suitcase Cabinets
Suitcase Cabinets
The Unique Tassenkast by Lotty Lindeman
Cargo Container Cabinets
Cargo Container Cabinets
The 'Torna' Shipping Crate Chest Goes From Transportable to Stationary
Extravagant TV Cabinets
Extravagant TV Cabinets
The Dalcans Design 'Lolly Pop' Unit is Delectable and Dear
Modular Interlocking Cabinets
Modular Interlocking Cabinets
The Seletti Stack is a Colorful Personalized Solution
Chore-Saving Cupboards
Chore-Saving Cupboards
The Drip Dry Cabinets Make Washing Dishes Slightly Less Painful
Miniature Bag Cabinets
Miniature Bag Cabinets
The Home Traveller by Anne Lorenz Saves Spaces
Pureed Paper Drawers
Pureed Paper Drawers
Debbie Wijskamp's Eco-Friendly Paperpulp Cabinets
Dead Storage
Dead Storage
Coffin Cabinets
Milk Crate Cabinets
Milk Crate Cabinets
The Environmentally Responsible Jose Collection by Mauricio Arruda
Chic Cabinet Fireplaces
Chic Cabinet Fireplaces
The Conmoto 'Gate' Fireplace is Perfect for Contemporary Homes
Carnival Cabinets
Carnival Cabinets
Lucas Rise
Cousin Itt Cabinets
Cousin Itt Cabinets
The 'Barbarians' Collection for Edra by Fernando and Humberto Campana
Curvy Furniture
Curvy Furniture
Dust Furniture Collection
Indoor Garden Cabinets
Indoor Garden Cabinets
KasKast Greenhouse Provides Edible Plants in the Home
Footwear Filing Cabinets
Footwear Filing Cabinets
Pedro Gomes' FILE IT Brings Order to the Shoe Closet
Quirky Eco Cabinets
Quirky Eco Cabinets
M&Mme Valentin Creates Modern Furniture Out of Old Ones
Architecture-Inspired Storage
Architecture-Inspired Storage
Sophie Mensen Designs Structurally-Supportive Storage
Matte Modular Cabinets
Matte Modular Cabinets
The Zweed Furniture Collection is Simple and Colorful
Boxy Modular Cabinets
Boxy Modular Cabinets
The 'An Furniture' Collection by KAMKAM is Cute and Quirky
Whimsical Wardrobes
Whimsical Wardrobes
Curved Vincent Thomas Leman Cupboard is Very Wonderland (UPDATE)
Dishwashing Cabinets
Dishwashing Cabinets
Electrolux Bifoliate Double Dishwasher Stores & Cleans
Stepladder Drawers
Stepladder Drawers
Climb the Staircase Storage Solution and Save Space with Ease
Psychedelic Cabinets
Psychedelic Cabinets
Dust Furniture