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25 Contemporary Calculators

From Sleek Designer Calculators to Collaborative Calculator Apps

— October 10, 2013 — Tech
While calculating and crunching numbers may seem like an archaic task ever since smartphones have come around, these contemporary calculators are showcasing that you can still perform mathematical equations in a very sleek and modern way.

When it comes to modern technology, people are becoming ever more dependent on digital devices, and while mobile phones seemingly have everything you could ever need, opting for a device that is designed for a specific function can be beneficial. And while calculators are often associated with supplies used for educational purposes, they can easily become useful for crunching numbers and paying bills.

From minimalist calculators to designer-inspired models, these contemporary calculators will certainly attract modern individuals into giving them a try.
Roommate Number-Crunchers
Roommate Number-Crunchers
Split the Rent's Rent Calculator Ensures Payment Fairness
Collaborative Calculator Apps
Collaborative Calculator Apps
The Myscript App Lets You Write a Math Problem to Get an Answer
Precise Payment Phone Applications
Precise Payment Phone Applications
What Should I Tip? is an Intelligent Tip Calculator App
Customizable Calculators
Customizable Calculators
The 'Just Mustard' DIY Calculator Let's You Draw Any Design
Kiddy Number Crunchers
Kiddy Number Crunchers
The 'Hopscotch Calculator' is a Cool Facelift for an Old Favorite
3D Graph Calculators
3D Graph Calculators
The Casio PRIZM is Set to Make Life Easier for Statistics Students
Sustainable Number-Crunchers
Sustainable Number-Crunchers
The Monacca Wood Calculator is a Sleek Computation Device
Controller Number Crunchers
Controller Number Crunchers
The X-Cool Gamer Calculator is Fit for the Video Game Geek
Children-Geared Calculators
Children-Geared Calculators
Knock Knock by Khalil Klouche is a Clever Tactile Educational Toy
Cash Conscious Calculators
Cash Conscious Calculators
Bring TIM! Keeps Meetings Fast-Paced and Under Budget
Waterific Number Crunchers
Waterific Number Crunchers
The Hydro Powered Calculator Can Be Powered by Your Tap
Nerdtastic DIY Calculators
Nerdtastic DIY Calculators
The LED Binary Calculator Will Bring Out the Inner Geek
Smart Clock Calculators
Smart Clock Calculators
The Roller Clock Keeps Track of Time Using Rolling Ball Bearings
Sleek Designer Calculators
Sleek Designer Calculators
The Koyuko X-ViZ Looks Like a TV Remote Control
Revamped Keypad Calculators
Revamped Keypad Calculators
The Bluetooh Numeric Keypad Connects Wireless to Your Computer
Modern Abacuses
Modern Abacuses
Partners & Spade are Bringing Vintage Calculators Back
Origami-Inspired School Accessories
Origami-Inspired School Accessories
The Metaphys Soh Calculator Folds Flat to Save Space
Water Powered Calculator
Water Powered Calculator
Flexible Measuring Devices
Flexible Measuring Devices
The Pocket Smart String Makes Measuring Odd Objects Easier
Geek Chic Calculators
Geek Chic Calculators
This Calculator Design from Alexander Hulme Makes Trigonometry Trendy
Life Calculators
Life Calculators
The Kal-Ee Calculator Calculates Everything from Finances to Health
Concrete Office Creations
Concrete Office Creations
REconstruction Updates Number Crunching Devices
Eco-Conscious Calculators
Eco-Conscious Calculators
This Bamboo Calculator is Ideal for Eco-Conscious Mathematicians
Math Savvy Watches
Math Savvy Watches
The Adidas Calculator Watch Will Unveil Your Inner Nerd
Calculator Mobile Phones
Calculator Mobile Phones
The iNO CP09 Mobile Phone Has Extra Large Numbers for Extra Large Eyes