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45 Cloud-Inspired Innovations

From Customized Clouds to Cloud Decor & Architecture

— June 6, 2010 — Art & Design
Depending on their shape and color, clouds can signal perfect weather or a dangerous storm; these cloud-inspired innovations reflect that versatility.

From art installations, furniture and architecture that mimic the pleasant cumulus cloud to incredible up-close photography that captures inclement weather as it's happening, these cloud-inspired innovations will not disappoint. My favorite piece is the levitating cloud bed--talk about sleeping on cloud nine!

Implications - The levitating cloud bed would certainly make for a great conversation piece! The featured cloud innovations are more than just light and fluffy and feature some amazing items such as inflatable cloud umbrellas, dramatic weather lamps and billowy bubble chairs. If you have always dreamt of living in the sky, just by a few of these cloudy items.
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Talking Cloud Speakers
Talking Cloud Speakers
Fake Ecological Clouds
Fake Ecological Clouds
Silver Linings Artificial Clouds May Alter Climate Change
Word Clouds From Any URL
Word Clouds From Any URL
Imposing Cloudtography
Imposing Cloudtography
'Urbanature' by Teamosha Chernichko Shows Interplay of Nature & Urbanism
Torrid Cloud Chandelier
Torrid Cloud Chandelier
Stonegate Designs
Cloud Shape Photo Sets
Cloud Shape Photo Sets
Customized Clouds
Customized Clouds
Artist Releases Thousands of Happy Faces (UPDATE)
Repetitive Skywriting
Repetitive Skywriting
'Cloud' by Ron English Takes Street Art Skyward
Cumulus Cloud Lighting
Cumulus Cloud Lighting
Environmental Furniture 2010 Collection is Obviously Eco-Friendly
Messing With Nature
Messing With Nature
Beijing Weather Modification Offices Plans To Force Rain
Online Weather Worship Communities
Online Weather Worship Communities
The Cloud Appreciation Society
Edible Flavoured Clouds
Edible Flavoured Clouds
The Cloud Project Produces Ice Cream Tasting Sprays
Bubbling Buildings
Bubbling Buildings
The Cloud to be the Centrepiece for the London Summer Olympics
Ethereal Architecture
Ethereal Architecture
Cloud House
Interactive Fiberoptic Cloud Sculpture
Interactive Fiberoptic Cloud Sculpture
MIT Mobile Experience Lab
Dramatic Weather Lamps
Dramatic Weather Lamps
The RainLight
Frothy Bubble Seating
Frothy Bubble Seating
The Dr Bubbles Chair Series is Silvery Sleek
Metal Cloud Architecture
Metal Cloud Architecture
The Experience Music Project in Seattle by Frank Gehry Houses a Sci-Fi Mu
Giant Air Bags
Giant Air Bags
Anti-Pollution Campaign
Portable Clouds- A Relaxing Workplace Retreat by Monica Forster
Portable Clouds- A Relaxing Workplace Retreat by Monica Forster
Cloud-Inspired Decor
Cloud-Inspired Decor
Mobileshadow by Smarin for Daydreaming Indoors or Out
Customized Clouds
Customized Clouds
Cloudvertising with Flogos
Illuminated Personal Clouds
Illuminated Personal Clouds
Transverso Lighting
Epic Cloud Formations
Epic Cloud Formations
The April Cakes 'Popcorn Clouds' Makes My Stomach Rumble
Billowy Bubble Chairs
Billowy Bubble Chairs
The Cloud Seating Collection by Jason Phillips
Braided Seating
Braided Seating
The Cloud Stool by Joon and Jung is Wonderfully Woven
Underwater Paint Photography
Underwater Paint Photography
The Eerie 'Verdastra/Bluastra/Bastarda Arpeggio' by Alberto Seveso
Recycled Hand-Cut Lighting
Recycled Hand-Cut Lighting
'Cloud Lamps' by Yu Jordy Fu
Digital Cloud Skyscrapers
Digital Cloud Skyscrapers
Design Act Captures the Spirit of Singapore for 2010 World Expo
Dust Cloud Updos
Dust Cloud Updos
These Justin Cooper Beauty Images are Uber Alluring
Origami-Inspired Landscapes
Origami-Inspired Landscapes
Eddy Sykes' Moving Architectural Installation 'Yakuza Lou'
Metallic Bubble Chairs
Metallic Bubble Chairs
The Silla Cloud Lounge Looks Like a Shiny Cluster of Grapes
Cloud-Surfing Photography
Cloud-Surfing Photography
Li Wei Unleashes All-New Awe-Inspiring Works (UPDATE)
Castle Amphitheatres
Castle Amphitheatres
Cloud Castle Concert Hall Entertains in Vienna
Atomic Attire
Atomic Attire
Erin Fetherston's 2010 Mushroom-Cloud Fashion Collection
Cloud and Sky Typography
Cloud and Sky Typography
Letters Inspired by Nature
Natural Phenomena Photography
Natural Phenomena Photography
'Punch Hole Clouds' Make Fascinating Art Subjects
Flower Petal Pavilions
Flower Petal Pavilions
Studio IwamotoScott's Flowery Wood 'Voussoir Cloud' Structure
Heat Sensitive T-Shirts
Heat Sensitive T-Shirts
S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder) T-Shirt by Keith Hancox
Colorful Cloud Dresses
Colorful Cloud Dresses
Alber Elbaz's Spring 2010 Lanvin Collection
Portable Igloos
Portable Igloos
The Cloud is An Inflatable Domicile (UPDATE)
Inflatable Cloud Umbrellas
Inflatable Cloud Umbrellas
Joonsoo Kim's New Concept Is Meant To Express Happiness
Magnetic Floating Bed
Magnetic Floating Bed
Sleep on a Cloud
Floating Sofas
Floating Sofas
The ‘Cloud' Uses Magnets To Let You Enjoy Weightless Lounging