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22 Chopstick Designs for Children

From Anime Character Chopsticks to Lucky Cutlery Helpers

— July 22, 2014 — Art & Design
These creative chopstick designs are perfect for children to use when testing out Asian cuisine for the first time. While learning how to use chopsticks can be a bit challenging for first time users, these fun chopsticks are specifically designed with a child-friendly aesthetic to help little ones learn to eat with bamboo sticks.

In an attempt to appeal to children, these chopstick designs are decked out in a wide variety of fun, friendly and visually appealing embellishments. Several designs play off of Asian themes with fortune cookie-infused embellishments that also help to keep the chopsticks joined at the top for simpler handling. Others include graphics of popular anime characters like Sailor Moon.

These amusing chopstick designs help to make the task of eating a little bit more enjoyable to children.

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Bold Buccaneer Chopsticks
Bold Buccaneer Chopsticks
These Peg Leg Pirate Chopstick Designs Make Eating Fun
Killer Ninja Utensils
Killer Ninja Utensils
Nunchops Chopsticks Make Eating a Fight for a Meal
Movie-Inspired Chop Sticks
Movie-Inspired Chop Sticks
Introducing the Stars Wars Chop Sabers to Illuminate Your Meal
Lucky Cutlery Helpers
Lucky Cutlery Helpers
The Good Fortune Hinged Chopsticks Help Users Master the Age-Old Art
Skater Chopstick Rests
Skater Chopstick Rests
The Talky Pika Pika Skateboard Chopstick Rest is Quirky
Cartoon Kitty Chopsticks
Cartoon Kitty Chopsticks
The Hello Kitty Training Chopsticks are Easy to Use
Anime Character Chopsticks
Anime Character Chopsticks
These Cartoon Chopsticks Feature My Neighbor Totoro Character Designs
Avian-Inspired Utensils
Avian-Inspired Utensils
The Master Crane Chopsticks Will Aid in Your Quest to Learn
Assassinating Eating Utensils
Assassinating Eating Utensils
Ninja Chopsticks will Fight to the Death to Protect Your Plate
Hybrid Straw Chopsticks
Hybrid Straw Chopsticks
Julian Lechner's 'Soup Sticks' are Perfect for Fans of Asian Cuisine
Transformative Anime Pens
Transformative Anime Pens
Bandai's Sailor Moon Merchandise Honors the Cartoon's 20th Anniversary
Japanese Cuisine-Oriented Plates
Japanese Cuisine-Oriented Plates
'Sushi-Time' Sushi Plate by Mint Design is Ergonically Designed
Glowing Chopsticks
Glowing Chopsticks
Chop Sabers for 'Star Wars' Lovers
Menacing Sci-Fi Cutlery
Menacing Sci-Fi Cutlery
The 'Aliens Chopsticks' Will Grab Your Sushi and Never Let Go
Magical Eating Utensils
Magical Eating Utensils
Harry Potter Wand Chopsticks are Fit for a Hogwarts Feast
Personified Cutlery
Personified Cutlery
Humania Chopsticks Rest Set Makes Chinese Food Funny
Adorable Anime Cartoon Chopsticks
Adorable Anime Cartoon Chopsticks
These Cool Chopstick Sets are Modeled After Sailor Moon's Wands
Warrior Eating Utensils
Warrior Eating Utensils
Samurai Sword Chopsticks Pay Tribute to Real-Life Samurais
Transforming Eating Utensils
Transforming Eating Utensils
'Chopsticks Plus One' is a Spoon and Chopstick Hybrid
Cheater Chopsticks
Cheater Chopsticks
Forkchops Lets Westerners Eat Like Asians
Clothespin Chopsticks
Clothespin Chopsticks
A Unique Approach to Eating Your Food by Decor Craft
Cross-Cultural Cutlery
Cross-Cultural Cutlery
The Noodles Fork Combines Chopsticks with the Many-Pronged Implement