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27 Cartoon-Inspired Desserts

From Cartoon Villain Cakes to Uncanny Space Creature Treats

— June 7, 2013 — Lifestyle
Cartoons and the adorable characters that populate those shows are often beloved by both children and adults, and if you're looking to celebrate a birthday or special occasion in style, then these cartoon-inspired desserts will definitely put a smile on people's faces.

While cute animated characters are often associated with the type of subject matter related to little children, cartoons have come a long way in terms of attracting both a youthful and older audience. Through the use of pop culture references, sleek visual techniques and well-created characters, cartoons are becoming somewhat of a staple amongst modern day society. From cakes shaped like adorable villainous creatures to cupcakes with My Little Pony characters designed on top, these cartoonish dessert creations will have both children and adults satisfied with its adorable references and scrumptious taste.
Fabulous Flapjack Characters (UPDATE)
Fabulous Flapjack Characters (UPDATE)
Nathan Shields Turns Pokémon into Creative Pancakes
Uncanny Space Creature Treats
Uncanny Space Creature Treats
The Futurama Cupcakes are a Nostalgic Blast Through the Past
Wizardly Bite-Sized Desserts
Wizardly Bite-Sized Desserts
Delve Into the Wizardly World with These Harry Potter Cake Pops
Superhero Sugar Cookies
Superhero Sugar Cookies
These Avengers-Inspired Treats are Adorable
Grooving Peanut Character Confections
Grooving Peanut Character Confections
The Charlie Brown Christmas Cookies are Fun Holiday Sweets
Realistic Avian Confections
Realistic Avian Confections
The Furious Fowl Cake Depicts Angry Birds in Immaculate Detail
Sci-Fi Mashup Cookies
Sci-Fi Mashup Cookies
Sarah Trefney's 'Star Trek/Wars' Cookies Pay Tribute to Both Franchises
Arcade-Inspired Pastry Molds
Arcade-Inspired Pastry Molds
The 3D Mario-Themed Cookie Cutters are Great for Gamers
Cartoon Dessert Sceneries
Cartoon Dessert Sceneries
The Disney Chocolate Dioramas are Deliciously Detailed
Undead-Inspired Desserts
Undead-Inspired Desserts
The Walking Dead Cookies Would be a Hit With Any Fan of the Show
Stripe-Candied Confections
Stripe-Candied Confections
The Candy Corn Cake Pops are Goofy-Sweet Halloween Treats
Culinary Cartoon Presentations
Culinary Cartoon Presentations
Lunchbox Awesome Shows Off Visually Playful Treats
Cute Teeth-Baring Confections
Cute Teeth-Baring Confections
The Domo Cookies by cakecrumbs are Monstrously Adorable
Tooned Confections
Tooned Confections
The Retro Cartoon Cupcakes are Super Creative
Cute Fantasy Character Cakes
Cute Fantasy Character Cakes
The Lord of the Rings Cupcakes Feature Adorable Edible Dwarves
Heroic Handheld Desserts
Heroic Handheld Desserts
These Avengers Cake Pops are Super Sweet
Sugary Pop Culture Mashups
Sugary Pop Culture Mashups
The Hello Kitty x Avengers Cupcakes are Daring and Cutesy
Miniature Superhero Cakes
Miniature Superhero Cakes
The Batman LEGO Cake is Perfect for Die-Hard Comic Book Fans
Creepy Crawly Baked Goods
Creepy Crawly Baked Goods
The Spider Cupcake Decorating Kit Makes the Best Halloween Cupcakes
Multi-Colored Cartoon Desserts
Multi-Colored Cartoon Desserts
The Adventure Time BMO Cake Pays Tribute to the Whimsical Show
Edible Cartoons
Edible Cartoons
Face Food Bento Boxes
Galactic Baked Goods
Galactic Baked Goods
These Star Wars Cupcakes are Forcefully Delicious
Immature Cartoon Food
Immature Cartoon Food
Mmmm, Now You Can Eat The Simpsons
DIY Video Game Eggs
DIY Video Game Eggs
The Super Mario Bros. Easter Egg Tutorial is Fantastically Geeky
Magic Pony Character Cupcakes
Magic Pony Character Cupcakes
'Zoey Cakes' Creates Cute My Litte Pony Cake Design Treats
Cartoon Villain Cakes
Cartoon Villain Cakes
This Despicable Me Cake Depicts Adorable Minions at Their Tastiest
Character Cupcakes
Character Cupcakes
Edible Children's TV Treats