From Chocolate Made of Camel Milk to Tattooed Camel Toes
Brian G Randles — October 22, 2009 — Unique
We all know the camel is responsible for endorsing cigarettes and identifying feminine wedgies, but this cluster shines a light on all the other camel innovations in the world.
But don't worry kids, this is not a cluster strictly devoted to camel toes—although there are a few in here. From chocolate made of camel milk to tattooed camel toes, check out all of the camel innovations below.
Implications - Companies do not have to look far for inspiration, and these camel products demonstrate that even animals are a great source of incentive. Businesses should consider how simple elements, such as a camel, can be re-appropriated to fit a consumer need. Instead of creating an entirely new design, elements from these already existing products can be employed.
But don't worry kids, this is not a cluster strictly devoted to camel toes—although there are a few in here. From chocolate made of camel milk to tattooed camel toes, check out all of the camel innovations below.
Implications - Companies do not have to look far for inspiration, and these camel products demonstrate that even animals are a great source of incentive. Businesses should consider how simple elements, such as a camel, can be re-appropriated to fit a consumer need. Instead of creating an entirely new design, elements from these already existing products can be employed.