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31 Bee-Inspired Home Accessories

From Sweet Medicine Cabinets to Sticky Bottles Holders

— September 13, 2011 — Art & Design
If you ever wonder what would be like living in a beehive, you can actually experience it by filling up your house with these bee-inspired home accessories. The hexagon is a useful and fun geometric form that can be easily adaptable to give furniture and home interiors an organic, natural design.

With mostly yellow and orange tones, these hexagonal innovations are definitely original and eco-friendly. For a warm and cozy atmosphere, honeycomb-inspired lighting combined with honeylicious candles are an ideal option. For book lovers, hexagonal bookcases provide plenty of space for storage, without mentioning how savvy they look.

Honeycombs shapes are definitely a fun and sweet alternative to decorate a home. By adding a nature-inspired look, bee-inspired home accessories are sure to stick around.
Insect-Inspired Seating
Insect-Inspired Seating
DesignJoo's Honeybee Stool is Sweetly Simple
Honeycomb Office Seating
Honeycomb Office Seating
The Holey Exagon Chair Design by Tonon
Insect Eye Lighting
Insect Eye Lighting
The Dragonfly.MGX Pendant Lamp is Created Via a 3D Printer
Honey Comb Candles
Honey Comb Candles
The Pollen Arts Beeswax Candles are Eco Chic
Honeycombified Lighting
Honeycombified Lighting
The Hexa Nest Lamp is Creating Quite a Buzz
Organic Honeycomb Lighting
Organic Honeycomb Lighting
Rebecca Asquith's Nectar Lamp Series is Modeled After Beehives
Sweet Hexagonal Cisterns
Sweet Hexagonal Cisterns
The 'Hive Honey Set' has a Sweet and Buzz-Worthy Design
Honeycomb Medicine Cabinets
Honeycomb Medicine Cabinets
This Pharmaceutical Cabinet Makes Storage Aesthetic
Honeycomb Shelves
Honeycomb Shelves
Chiaki Murata Creates the ‘Prol/Board' Shelving Units
Honeycomb Outdoor Ovens
Honeycomb Outdoor Ovens
Mod Barbecue by Andreia Fernandes is a Modular Meal-Maker
Honeycomb Abodes
Honeycomb Abodes
Karim Rashid Unveils His Latest Design in Cairo
Honeylicious Utensils
Honeylicious Utensils
The Johanna Hartzheim Kitchen Sets are Sweetly Simple
Papercraft Honeycomb Shades
Papercraft Honeycomb Shades
'Berga' by KAFTI is an Eye-Popping Interior Decor Must-Have
Honeycomb Soundproofing Systems
Honeycomb Soundproofing Systems
Hexagon by FORM US WITH LOVE Doubles as Geometric Wall Art
Honeycomb Based Furniture
Honeycomb Based Furniture
Eiffel Tower Inspired 'Six' Chairs
Honeycomb Walls
Honeycomb Walls
The Macedonia Room Dividers by Janne Kyttanen
Organically Tilting Furniture
Organically Tilting Furniture
The 'Twin Shelves' are Inspired by Voronoi's Tessellation
Honeycomb Hangouts
Honeycomb Hangouts
The Fred Mafra Josephine Roxy Nightclub is Brazil's Newest Hotspot
Honeycomb Lighting
Honeycomb Lighting
Bold ‘Coral' Lamp From Studio Aisslinger
Honeycomb Bookcases
Honeycomb Bookcases
LAVA Architect's Design for Sherman Contemporary Art Foundation
Honeycomb-Inspired Lighting
Honeycomb-Inspired Lighting
The Beehouse Lamp
Honeycomb Eco-Room Dividers
Honeycomb Eco-Room Dividers
The Jenny Redd Solar Wall Provides Privacy and Energy
Helpful Honeycomb Furniture
Helpful Honeycomb Furniture
Lorens' Cloud Modular Table is a Friendly and Practical Design
Honeycomb Wall Tiles
Honeycomb Wall Tiles
Le Pietre Incise Curve is a Wicked Way to Add Unique Texture to Your Space
Honeycomb Furniture
Honeycomb Furniture
The Hive Chair by Marco Torres Mimics Nature's Sweet Design
Hoopy Bottle Holders
Hoopy Bottle Holders
The Woo Wine Rack Assembles Bottles in Adaptable Formations
Giant Honeycomb Gardens
Giant Honeycomb Gardens
The Orquideorama is a Modular Eco Architecture Masterpiece
Bright Striped Bathtubs
Bright Striped Bathtubs
'Bath Tuning' Project Adds Fun and Color to Your Daily Routine
Honeycomb Housing
Honeycomb Housing
Recycled Paper SwissCell Panels Will Provide Shelter for Haitians
Honeycomb Wall Shelves
Honeycomb Wall Shelves
The Bookshelf Comb is Both Creative and Practical