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Top 25 Photography Trends in April

From 4K Vlogging Cameras to High-Performing Mirrorless Cameras

— April 28, 2018 — Tech
The invention of photography upended the trajectory of art history, and indeed the history of humanity as a whole, and while the April 2018 photography trends listed here don't necessarily represent that kind of seismic shift, the innovations certainly haven't diminished entirely.

With smartphone cameras becoming increasingly advanced, the traditional camera companies have had to offer dazzling capabilities in order to compete. Fujifilm's latest high-end camera, the X-H1, includes a built in image stabilization feature that maintains image quality and prevents videographers from having to stabilize their shots in post-production. Leica's new CL tackles another issue, with a much smaller body that the typical DSLR so that it isn't daunting to bring around on various adventures.

Smartphone creators won't give camera companies any slack, though. Many different companies are harnessing their AI training to make altering images easy and automatic.
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Intelligent Camera Accessories
Intelligent Camera Accessories
The Canon Speedlite 470EX-AI Flash Automatically Adjusts Itself
High-Performing Mirrorless Cameras
High-Performing Mirrorless Cameras
Jerry Julien Spoke with Trend Hunter About the Fujifilm X-H1
Smooth Gimbal-Based Action Cams
Smooth Gimbal-Based Action Cams
The eyyCAM Captures Smooth Footage in Rugged Conditions
AI-Powered Photography Smartphones
AI-Powered Photography Smartphones
The Vivo V9 Smartphone Boasts an Impressive 24MP Front Camera
All-Black Rangefinder Cameras
All-Black Rangefinder Cameras
Rag & Bone and Leica Made a Glow-in-the-Dark Monochrom Camera
AI Camera Smartphones
AI Camera Smartphones
The Xiaomi Mi MIX 2S Boasts Impressive Cameras, Wireless Charging and More
Modernized Camcorder Devices
Modernized Camcorder Devices
This Handheld Camcorder Draws Inspiration from a Retro Design
Discreet DSLR Cameras
Discreet DSLR Cameras
Images from the Leica CL Can Be Wirelessly Transferred to a Mobile Phone
Family Camcorder Apps
Family Camcorder Apps
'Air' is Helping a New Generation of Parents Capture Home Movies
Tapered Macro Lenses
Tapered Macro Lenses
The Laowa Ultra Macro Uses an Odd Shape to Take Close-Up Photos
Fully Stocked Camera Bundles
Fully Stocked Camera Bundles
Nikon's New D850 Filmmaker's Kit Has Every Photography Necessity
Cartoon-Shaped Cat Cameras
Cartoon-Shaped Cat Cameras
The New Hello Kitty Camera by Fijufilm Prints Instant Pictures
8K VR Cameras
8K VR Cameras
The 'Pano-S' 360-Degree Camera Captures Footage Like Never Before
Curatorial Machine-Learning Algorithms
Curatorial Machine-Learning Algorithms
Google's MoMA Tool Helped Curators Sort Thousands of Images
4G Dual-Lens Dash Cams
4G Dual-Lens Dash Cams
The 'Owl Cam' Records Video 24/7 and Sends it to the Cloud
High-Quality Filmmaker Kits
High-Quality Filmmaker Kits
Nikon's D850 Filmmaker's Kit Gives New Creators Every Tool They Need
Extremely Durable Camera Bags
Extremely Durable Camera Bags
The Tenba Solstice is Built with Travelers and Photographers in Mind
Compact HD Cube Cameras
Compact HD Cube Cameras
The 'CUBE Mini' Camera Captures High-Quality Footage
Drone-Powered Runway Shows
Drone-Powered Runway Shows
The Dolce & Gabbana Drone Display Shows a Unique Use of Tech in Fashion
Adventure-Oriented Camera Bags
Adventure-Oriented Camera Bags
Mountainsmith's Line of Travel Camera Bags are Made for Adventure
Reconfigurable Shutterbug Bags
Reconfigurable Shutterbug Bags
Mission Workshop's 'The Capsule' Camera Bag is Weatherproof
Flexible Camera Monopods
Flexible Camera Monopods
The Fotopro Mogo is a Photography Kit That's Like a Ninja
4K Vlogging Cameras
4K Vlogging Cameras
The 'Idolcam' Ensures Smooth Recording of Personal Video Blogs
Photography-Focused Bag Inserts
Photography-Focused Bag Inserts
The Boundary MK-1 Turns the Prima Pack into a Versatile Camera Bag
User-Friendly Complex Cameras
User-Friendly Complex Cameras
By Using Design Elements, the Lytro Lüm Hopes to Entice Novice Users