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34 Outrageous Organnovations

From the Awful Appendix to Reproductive Pillows

— August 25, 2009 — Lifestyle
Of all the body’s organs, the appendix is often seen as the most useless when in fact scientists have discovered that the appendix could play a vital role in making, training and directing white blood cells.

All organs have a primary function (much like the appendix) but there is always something else that it can do, or that you can do with it. These organnovations show that no organ, including the appendix, is useless in any way, shape or form!
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Printing Organs
Printing Organs
Tech-Savvy Tissue Replacement is as Easy as Pressing Ctrl+P
Unattached Living Organs
Unattached Living Organs
A Real Heart that Beats Even Outside the Body
Hacking Human Hearts
Hacking Human Hearts
Wireless Access to Defibrillators & Pacemakers
Adult Heart Stem Cell Breathrough
Adult Heart Stem Cell Breathrough
Potential Treatment For Heart Attack Victims
Cotton Candy Scientific Theory
Cotton Candy Scientific Theory
Sugary Structure Mimics Capillaries, Could Aid in Regrowing Organs
Anatomical Clothing Brochures
Anatomical Clothing Brochures
Good for Health Uses Fruits as Organs in Marketing Booklet
Work of Heart
Work of Heart
Gallery Displays Organs
Design Pumps Life Into Flowers
Design Pumps Life Into Flowers
Heart Vase by Esque Design
Body Organ Footwear
Body Organ Footwear
Wear Your Heart On Your Keds To Show Your Love of Shoes
First Successful "Beating Heart" Operation
First Successful "Beating Heart" Operation
New Transplant Technology
Naughty Electronics
Naughty Electronics
Blusens Shows Personified Body Organs Getting It On
Heartbeat-Controlled Gadgets
Heartbeat-Controlled Gadgets
Heart-Beans Coffee Grinder
Anatomical Lightboxes
Anatomical Lightboxes
Chris Elsasser Designs With Heart
Interactive Animated Anatomy
Interactive Animated Anatomy
Hybrid Animation Shows Heart Pumping
Reproductive Pillows
Reproductive Pillows
‘I Heart Guts' Plush Uterus Recalled for Safety Reasons (UPDATE)
Wool Organs
Wool Organs
Art of Sarah Hillienberger Includes Furry Guts and Phallic Cacti
Fetal Heartbeat MP3s
Fetal Heartbeat MP3s
‘Beforme' Baby Eavesdropping Device
Prosthetic Lungs
Prosthetic Lungs
Respiratory Aids to Wear Around Your Waist
Anatomical Desserts
Anatomical Desserts
This Chocolate Heart Beats for Your Belly
Vegetable Organs
Vegetable Organs
Kyle Bean Designs an In-Your-Face ‘You Are What You Eat' Sentiment
Touchscreen Heart-Lung Machines
Touchscreen Heart-Lung Machines
The Maquet Cardiohelp
Lungs Made of Cigarettes
Lungs Made of Cigarettes
"Stop Consuming Your Body" Anti-Smoking Campaign
Hi-Tech Fashion Has Lungs
Hi-Tech Fashion Has Lungs
Smoking Jacket
Inked Organs
Inked Organs
Surgery to Tattoo Beating Hearts is a Hoax
Internal Organ Plushies
Internal Organ Plushies
I Heart Guts
Steampunk Anatomical Trinkets
Steampunk Anatomical Trinkets
Industrial-Inspired Themed Hearts That Tell Stories
Anatomical Broken Hearts
Anatomical Broken Hearts
Kristin Kaplowitz's Sharpie and Colored Pencil Drawings Are Amazing
Forests As Lungs
Forests As Lungs
WWF Ad Campaign Compares Deforestation to Cancer
Human Anatomy Hoodies
Human Anatomy Hoodies
Fashion To Show You've Really Got Guts (And a Heart)
Fake X-Ray Photography
Fake X-Ray Photography
Koen Hauser Mixes Real Models With Fake Organs
Tattooed Organs
Tattooed Organs
Gallbladder Henna
Anatomical Tattoos
Anatomical Tattoos
Ink Art that Gives the False Impression of Revealing Inner Organs
Tattoos of Organs
Tattoos of Organs
Permanent Ink Fit for an Anatomy Lesson