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41 Ways to Give the Credit Crunch the Finger

— October 11, 2008 — Top Lists
The media is practically bleeding with stories about failing banks, ailing economies and the credit crunch. If you’re sick and tired of the doom and gloom and just want to give the finger to it all, then check out this cluster of all sorts of finger innovations.

Ranging from finger fashion to even finger condoms, the trends include fingerprints that unlock doors, pay for your drugstore buys and become art. There are strange toys like the one-finger game console or fingerware to eat with. One of the coolest products is a camera so small it is called the Finger Snap.

So let your fingers do the clicking and walk through this handy cluster!
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Touch Control Music System
Touch Control Music System
Sooloos Music & Art at Your Fingertips
Forensic Innovations
Forensic Innovations
Skin Scanner Recovers Fingerprints
Deformed People as a TV Show?
Deformed People as a TV Show?
Fox Promotes 'Fringe' With 12 Fingered Man
Fingerprinting at Traffic Stops
Fingerprinting at Traffic Stops
Cops Violating Privacy?
DIY Political Finger Puppets
DIY Political Finger Puppets
Obama, Hillary, McCain
Fingernail Cameras
Fingernail Cameras
Make Everything Your Touch Pad
Tongues, Fingers & Eyeballs to Sell Pop
Tongues, Fingers & Eyeballs to Sell Pop
Coke Zero Ads in English (Update)
Finger Ware
Finger Ware
"Eat With Your Fingers" Set
Hi-Tech Hands
Hi-Tech Hands
Light Fingers Have LEDs, Black and Strobe Lights
Artvertising With Hands
Artvertising With Hands
HTC: Set Your Fingers Free
Mobile For Butter Fingers
Mobile For Butter Fingers
Say Concept Phone
Home Fingerprint Locks
Home Fingerprint Locks
iTouchless BM002U
Branded First Finger Foods
Branded First Finger Foods
Cheerios for Tots
Fingers as Captured Criminals
Fingers as Captured Criminals
Bitdefender Hacker Recruitment Ads
Fairytale Finger Flora
Fairytale Finger Flora
Valerie Hammond Twilight
Pay By Finger
Pay By Finger
Fingerprint Terminals at Shoppers
Apple Control at Your Fingertips
Apple Control at Your Fingertips
iRing (UPDATE)
Functional Finger Fashion
Functional Finger Fashion
Glove Pockets
One-Finger Game Consoles
One-Finger Game Consoles
Tuttuki Bako
Fingerprint Paintings
Fingerprint Paintings
Inspiration Across the Nation Campaign
Finger Foliage
Finger Foliage
The Wexford Secret Garden Ring
Novel Mouse
Novel Mouse
Wireless Finger Mouse
Nail Picks & Finger Plates
Nail Picks & Finger Plates
Creative Party Snacks from WorldWideFred
Finger-Paint Campaigns
Finger-Paint Campaigns
KFC Finger Lickin' Ads
Finger Bling For Coffee Drinkers- Japanese cUp Ling
Finger Bling For Coffee Drinkers- Japanese cUp Ling
Iconic 007 Throwbacks
Iconic 007 Throwbacks
'Goldfinger' Scene Reprised in 'Quantum of Solace'
Hands as a Canvas 3
Hands as a Canvas 3
Funny Fingers
Finger-Mounted Toothbrushes
Finger-Mounted Toothbrushes
Compact Travel Hygiene
Band-Aid Jewelry
Band-Aid Jewelry
Pflasterringe Rings
Measure Libido By Hand
Measure Libido By Hand
Finger Length Ratio Tells All, Study
Marijuana Via Fingerprint
Marijuana Via Fingerprint
So Cal Vending Machines Sell Pot
Personalize Your Love
Personalize Your Love
Imprint on My Heart Fingerprint Jewelry
Hand Gesture Candles
Hand Gesture Candles
Give the Finger to Power Outages
Finger Condoms
Finger Condoms
Protect Touch Screen Surfaces
Quirky Rings
Quirky Rings
Push Your Finger Accessories to Extremes
Personalized Secret Encoder Rings
Personalized Secret Encoder Rings
64-Character Binary Code Jewelry
Fingertip Animal Portraits
Fingertip Animal Portraits
10 Photographs of Tiny Creatures
Mini Camera At Your Fingertips
Mini Camera At Your Fingertips
Canon Finger Snap
Living Jewelry
Living Jewelry
Bonsai Rings by Julia Goland
Mini Wearable Sculptures
Mini Wearable Sculptures
10 Ornate Rings, From Collapsible Cups to Birdcages