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28 Translation Innovations

From Dog Translators to Sign Language Translators

— November 15, 2009 — Tech
Translating different languages is only the first step in breaking down communication barriers. This cluster showcases all of the different ways one cam decipher meaning from a message.

Check out some of the most fascinating translation innovations we have found over the years, ranging from dog translators to sign language translators.

Implications - The globalization of modern society and the mass adoption of social networking blend individuals from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds. Devices that help these consumers communicate enable innovation and satisfy our universal thirst for knowledge and a sense of community. Humorous innovations lampoon culture-specific memes that are lost in translation and offer faux conversions of nonexistent languages.
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Real-Time Accent Decoders
Real-Time Accent Decoders
The Tele Scouter Translates Speech in No Time at All
Translating Culture
Translating Culture
Olympics Trigger Linguistic Makeover for Strange Chinese Meals
Mobile Food Guides
Mobile Food Guides
Sushi iPhone App Translates Fish Names For You
Klingon Rap Remakes
Klingon Rap Remakes
Klenginem Translates Slim Shady for Trekkies
Online Human Translators
Online Human Translators Gets Native Speakers to Help You
Phonetic Video Translations
Phonetic Video Translations
YouTube Users' Inaccurate Translations Go Viral
Dog Translators
Dog Translators
Bowlingual Lets You Decipher Your Dog's Barks
Copier That Translates
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Fuji Xerox Prototype
Talking to Dolphins
Talking to Dolphins
Cymascope Translates Underwater Sounds Into Pictures
Global Translators on Demand by Phone
Global Translators on Demand by Phone
Translators for Techies
Translators for Techies
iSpeak Translator for iPods
Modern Translations of Holy Texts
Modern Translations of Holy Texts
LOLCat Bible Translation Project Says 'Oh Hai' to Jesus
Microsoft Targets Blind
Microsoft Targets Blind
Word Docs Translated to Audio With Daisy
Audio Translator and Travel Guide
Audio Translator and Travel Guide
Sign Language Translators
Sign Language Translators
HandTalk Glove
The Canine Translator
The Canine Translator
Your Mobile Phone as Talking Translator
Your Mobile Phone as Talking Translator
Glasses That Translate
Glasses That Translate
The Translayferers
Real Life Twitter
Real Life Twitter
CollegeHumor Video Proves Tweets Don't Translate Offline
Talking Translator Phone
Talking Translator Phone
Echo Translator
Facebook Translated to German
Facebook Translated to German
Gesicht Buch?
Multifunctional Translators
Multifunctional Translators
SVLT Helps the Blind and Deaf Communicate
Sign Language Translators
Sign Language Translators
Mac Funamizu Design Helps the Hearing-Impaired Communicate
Hearing-Impaired Translators
Hearing-Impaired Translators
The Deafcommunicator Provides Real-Time Interpretation
Translating English to English
Translating English to English Decodes What Office Emails Really Mean
Advertising Bloopers
Advertising Bloopers
International Ads Lost in Translation
Projector Bracelets
Projector Bracelets
The Snowcorn Camera Is Also A Translator and Business Card Scanner
Two-Way Doors
Two-Way Doors
Ergon Rototranslating Doors Are Space-saving and Chic