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29 Glowing Designs

From Lit-Up Architecture to Radiant Rugs

— June 11, 2009 — Top Lists
Glowing furniture and design products are a great idea for people who don't like the light, or are clumsy.

These glowing design pieces help folks see hazards in the dark, which can prevent accidents. But seriously, these glowing home products are cool, whether you decide to fully outfit your home with them, or simply add a piece or two. From practical to silly fun, there is something for everyone.

Implications - Glowing designs -- like these glowing furniture fixtures and other products -- are popular among consumers as they offer a hybrid design that appeals to technologically savvy consumers as well as fashion-forward consumers. Through incorporating technological features in a stylish way businesses can better help to ensure that they appeal to a wide target demographic with differing interests.
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Glowing Pod Sculpture
Glowing Pod Sculpture
Triode T33 Lamp
Glowing Globe
Glowing Globe
3D Atlas & Constellations in One
Glow In Dark Printer Paper
Glow In Dark Printer Paper
Get Creative With Your Computer
Glowing Banana Protectors
Glowing Banana Protectors
The BananaGuard Prevents Mushing AND It Glows in the Dark
Glowing Flora
Glowing Flora
Bioluminescent Fungi
Solar Powered Patios
Solar Powered Patios
Umbrella Glows for 8 Hours
Glowing Graphic Art
Glowing Graphic Art
Modern Lightboxes by Joe Futschik
Glow In The Dark Pebbles
Glow In The Dark Pebbles
Glowing Message Boards
Glowing Message Boards
'Daywriter' and 'Nightwriter' Get Your Point Across At Any Hour
Glowing Swings
Glowing Swings
Alexander Lervik Makes Gardens Fun
Glowing Power Cable
Glowing Power Cable
Brightness Equals Power Consumption
Seating that Glows
Seating that Glows
The TiGalet
Glow-in-the-Dark Ornaments
Glow-in-the-Dark Ornaments
Eco Xmas Orbs, Pop Culture & DIY Kits
Glow-in-the-Dark Urinals
Glow-in-the-Dark Urinals
Luminescent Table Runners
Luminescent Table Runners
Glow-in-the-Dark Dining Room Decor
Glowing Sink Fixtures
Glowing Sink Fixtures
Spot Illuminated Faucet by NDwelt
Glowing Plants
Glowing Plants
Bench Pot Illuminates Real House Plants
Glowing Ice Cube Furniture
Glowing Ice Cube Furniture
Moss LED Sofa
Glowing Milk Cartons
Glowing Milk Cartons
Neon Lamps and Eclectic Illuminated Designs by Roger Borg
Glow-in-the-Dark Cutlery
Glow-in-the-Dark Cutlery
Neon Knives, Spoons, Forks
Glow in the Dark Furniture
Glow in the Dark Furniture
Fullmoon Cabinet
Diamond Glow Architecture
Diamond Glow Architecture
The AKBANK Creates Modern Shapes in a Basic Building
Glowing Walls 2
Glowing Walls 2
OLED Wallpaper from GE
Interactive Glowing Rugs
Interactive Glowing Rugs
High Tech Flooring
Glowing Pillow Case
Glowing Pillow Case
Wake With Light
Glow-in-the-Dark Wallpaper
Glow-in-the-Dark Wallpaper
The Phosphowall Prototype
Glow-in-the-Dark Sofas
Glow-in-the-Dark Sofas
'Via Lattea' Furniture by Mario Bellini
Underlit Furniture
Underlit Furniture
Urban Underglow 'LIT' Lights Go Underneath Your Bed
Glow in the Dark Bubble Bath
Glow in the Dark Bubble Bath