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30 Drop-Inspired Designs

— November 26, 2008 — Art & Design
There seems to be an swelling design fascination with the droplet. Is it the current vampire craze or maybe a reaction to environmental concerns of water conservation?

Be it a splash of milk, a drop of water, or a dribble of blood, the oozing shape is appearing everywhere including art, lighting, furniture, and advertising. High speed digital photography is bringing us dramatic new images of drops and splashes like we’ve never seen before, and nature’s dewdrop has never looked so magical.

The sensual and graceful shape of the droplet makes it an obvious target for design, so I expect to see the trend continue to intensify.
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Droplet Holds Self-Destructing MP3s
Droplet Holds Self-Destructing MP3s
Drop of Music
Making Every Drop Count
Making Every Drop Count
DROP Shower Head by Giulio Iacchetti
Fake Melted Wax
Fake Melted Wax
Candle Drips Made of China
Artistic Tributes To Water
Artistic Tributes To Water
The Waterdrop Installation by Héctor Serrano
Light as Frozen Droplets of Water
Light as Frozen Droplets of Water
The Drop Lamp
Stains as Jewelry
Stains as Jewelry
Fake Ketchup Drips and Lipstick Prints by Yunju Lee
Chandelier Bulbs as Mini Lamps
Chandelier Bulbs as Mini Lamps
The 'Drop Light' by Doosan Baek
All-Natural Liquid Oxygen Drops
All-Natural Liquid Oxygen Drops
Water Drop Lighting
Water Drop Lighting
The ‘Melting Light' by Daniel Becker
Dripping Faucet Bulb Promotes Environment
Dripping Faucet Bulb Promotes Environment
Light Drop
Dripping Logos
Dripping Logos
Street Art By Zevs
Trompe-L'oeil Chimney Stacks
Trompe-L'oeil Chimney Stacks
Striking Beauty in the Paris Suburbs
Bleeding Paint Chairs
Bleeding Paint Chairs
Anna ter Haar Designs
Starbucks-Inspired Garbage Cans
Starbucks-Inspired Garbage Cans
The Coffee Cup Rubbish Bin
Dripping Tar Sunglasses
Dripping Tar Sunglasses
Anna ter Haar Designs
3-D Home Surfaces
3-D Home Surfaces
Mercury Drop "‘Ripple’" Tables by Lee J Rowland
Fake Blood Carpets
Fake Blood Carpets
The Fluid Stairway
Fake Blood Page Markers
Fake Blood Page Markers
The Liquid Bookmark Set
Bleeding Tables
Bleeding Tables
Paint Or Die But Love Me
Vampire-Themed Decor
Vampire-Themed Decor
Dripping Blood Tiles
Distorted Crystal Lamps
Distorted Crystal Lamps
Melted ‘Light Blubs' by Pieke Bergmans
Stop Motion Wine Decanters
Stop Motion Wine Decanters
The Droppa
Nature Closeups
Nature Closeups
Dewdrop Macro Photography
Milk Splatter Chairs
Milk Splatter Chairs
Splash Lounge
Motion Activated Shower Curtains
Motion Activated Shower Curtains
Bloody "Psycho" Curtain
USB Jewelry
USB Jewelry
The Crystal Tear Drop Flash Drive
Blood Inspired Jewelry
Blood Inspired Jewelry
Drinking Blood for Attention
Drinking Blood for Attention
Angelina Jolie Inspires Megan Fox & HBO
High-Speed Droplet Photography
High-Speed Droplet Photography
10 Liquid Sculptures