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Top 100 DIY Trends in 2013

From DIY Tassel Garland to Upcycled Car Scrap Benches

— February 1, 2014 — Eco
Fashion maintains its front-runner position for the top 2013 DIY trends. With that being said, however, the idea of "doing it yourself" has spread to a wide variety of other markets, creating truly customized and unique experiences for consumers.

An area outside of fashion experiencing a boom in do-it-yourself projects is home decor. This year marks a massive turn in home owners taking personal control over the way their space looks and feels. Projects range from a variety of lighting endeavors to wall art and patio furniture. Products that allow consumers to customize a living space -- big or small -- is becoming increasingly popular. An added appeal to these projects is the amount of money they save individuals.

This idea is exceptionally apparent in upcylcing. Consumers can now transform products they already own -- from a bench to a pair of tights and even Christmas lights -- to create a new, 100 percent one-of-a-kind product for a fraction of the cost of buying something new.

For a more in-depth analysis of this year's evolution in DIY trends and to grasp a stronger idea of what to expect in 2014, check out Trend Hunter's DIY Trend Report.
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Vibrant DIY Turf Collars
Vibrant DIY Turf Collars
This Peter Pan Collar is Perfect for Spring and Easy-to-Make
Insanely Accurate Gamer Costumes
Insanely Accurate Gamer Costumes
Dead Space Fans Recreate Character Costumes
DIY Kitty Accented Shoes
DIY Kitty Accented Shoes
This Clever Project Lets You Add Some Feline Touches to Your Footwear
DIY Floral Smartphone Cases
DIY Floral Smartphone Cases
This DIY Smartphone Cover is Made From Pressed Wild Flowers
Upcycled Ornament Planters
Upcycled Ornament Planters
These Terrariums are Made From Old Unused Christmas Tree Decorations
DIY Fancy Lace Chokers
DIY Fancy Lace Chokers
Add a Feminine Touch to Any Outfit with This Lace Bib Necklace
DIY Tree Stump Side Tables
DIY Tree Stump Side Tables
This Project Brings Recycled Nature Into Your Home
Beautiful Branch Wristbands
Beautiful Branch Wristbands
These Unique Twig Bracelets Add Touches of Nature to Your Accessories
DIY Lavishly Bold Rings
DIY Lavishly Bold Rings
Make Your Own OZ-Inspired Crystal Ball Ring with This Easy Do it Yourself
Floral Accessory Tutorials
Floral Accessory Tutorials
The DIY Embellished Sunglasses Cupcakes and Cashmere Post is Homemade
DIY Mini Crayon Necklaces
DIY Mini Crayon Necklaces
This Easy-to-Make Accessory is Full of Color and Creativity
DIY Superheroine Tights
DIY Superheroine Tights
Fight Crime and Be Batgirl with These Easy to Follow Instructions
Upcycled Clothing Cushions
Upcycled Clothing Cushions
The DIY Sweater Pillow Makes Use of Your Old Clothes
DIY Strung Carton Lighting
DIY Strung Carton Lighting
Add a Romantic Glow to the Room with DIY Egg Carton Decor
DIY Rocker Graphic Tanks
DIY Rocker Graphic Tanks
Pull Out Your Old T-Shirts to Make This Edgy DIY Graphic Tank Top
Sequin-Encrusted Maxi Skirts
Sequin-Encrusted Maxi Skirts
Light Up Any Room in This 'a pair and a spare' DIY Fashion
DIY Mini Clay Planters
DIY Mini Clay Planters
Turn a Simple Piece of Clay into a Chic Indoor Planter with This Tutorial
Stylish Knife Designs
Stylish Knife Designs
Logan Pearce's Stylish Knives are to Die For
DIY Honeycomb Shelves
DIY Honeycomb Shelves
A Beautiful Mess Blog Shares Easy To Follow Instructions For Modern Shelves
Futuristic DIY Fantasy Armor
Futuristic DIY Fantasy Armor
Cosplayer Creates Convincing Skyrim Armor to Strike Fear into Evil
Homemade Herbivore Gardens
Homemade Herbivore Gardens
The Design Sponge Blog Shows How to Make a DIY Indoor Herb Garden
DIY Rawhide Hairbands
DIY Rawhide Hairbands
The Cupcakes and Cashmere Leather Hair Tie Tutorial is Custom
DIY Marble Scarves
DIY Marble Scarves
This How-To Marble Scarf Tutorial is Fun and Colorful
Macho Necessity Sets
Macho Necessity Sets
The Gentleman's Survival Kit is Full of Essentials for Men
DIY Origami Bow Ties
DIY Origami Bow Ties
This Paper Bow Tie is Completely Disposable
DIY Button Necklaces
DIY Button Necklaces
This Vintage Tutorial by I Am Trend Will Repurpose Unclaimed Fasteners
DIY Upcycled T-Shirt Bracelets
DIY Upcycled T-Shirt Bracelets
These Braided Bracelets are Made Using Cut Up Vintage T-Shirts
Upcycled Car Scrap Benches
Upcycled Car Scrap Benches
The Tailgate Bench Utilizes Iconic Automobile Parts
DIY Feather Wall Decor
DIY Feather Wall Decor
This DIY Feather Wall Adds Some Flair to Your Home
DIY Aztec iPhone Cases
DIY Aztec iPhone Cases
Denise Heredia Tell You How to Jazz Up Your iPhone
Plastic Bottle Vertical Gardens
Plastic Bottle Vertical Gardens
The Lar Doce Lar Project Gives Brazilian Home Dramatic Makeover
Craftily Lit Bedframes
Craftily Lit Bedframes
The ‘DIY Light Up Headboard’ by A Beautiful Mess is an Fun Home
Handmade Hardcover Carriers
Handmade Hardcover Carriers
This Book Clutch by 'Caught on a Whim' Deconstructs Publications
DIY Bead-Embellished Blouses
DIY Bead-Embellished Blouses
Blogger Make My Lemonade Encourages Sparkly Beaded Printed Blouses
Multi-Pocketed DIY Purses
Multi-Pocketed DIY Purses
Carry Around All the Essentials in This 'a pair and a spare' Trio Bag
Frilly DIY Heels
Frilly DIY Heels
Add Tassels to a Classic Pair of Black Heels with This Fun DIY Guide
DIY Attachable Sleeves
DIY Attachable Sleeves
The Sweater Sleeve Denim Jacket Tutorial Infuses Mixed Fashion Media
DIY Outdoor Swing Beds
DIY Outdoor Swing Beds
This Comfortable DIY Lounger is Perfect for Relaxing Outdoors
Recycled Juice Pack Purses
Recycled Juice Pack Purses
Use Empty Beverage Boxes to Create a Cute DIY Carton Wallet
Upcycled Wooden Pallet Loungers
Upcycled Wooden Pallet Loungers
M&M Designers' Pallet Lounge Chair is Cleverly Crafted
DIY Extravagant Ear Cuffs
DIY Extravagant Ear Cuffs
Embellish Your Ear with an Intricate Ear Cuff with This Simple DIY
DIY Phosphorescent Light Bulbs
DIY Phosphorescent Light Bulbs
This Silicone Glow-in-the-Dark Light Bulb Needs No Electricity
DIY Foam-Fitting Wall Decor
DIY Foam-Fitting Wall Decor
This DIY Foam Building Block Wall Art is Artistically Simple
DIY Origami Ornaments
DIY Origami Ornaments
The Minieco Paper Templates Make for Easy DIY Decor
DIY Ice Cream Banners  
DIY Ice Cream Banners  
These Ice Cream Garlands are the Cutest DIY Party Decorations Ever
DIY Braided Bead Necklaces
DIY Braided Bead Necklaces
This Tutorial Shows How to Make a Statement Necklace at Home
DIY Tree Shelves
DIY Tree Shelves
The Branch Shelf is Easy-to-Make and Eco-Friendly
DIY Color Chip Lighting
DIY Color Chip Lighting
The Paint Swatch Chandelier Combines Crafty and Chic
DIY Floral Headbands
DIY Floral Headbands
These Flower-Accented Headpieces are Simple and Easy to Make
Handmade Illuminated Signs
Handmade Illuminated Signs
These 'Oh, Hello Friend' DIY Marquee Lights Will Prepare You for Fame
DIY Bug-Repellant Candles
DIY Bug-Repellant Candles
The Summertime Floating Candles Stylishly Keeps Mosquitos at Bay
Upcycled Milk Jug Necklaces
Upcycled Milk Jug Necklaces
This DIY Activity Uses Plastic and Colorful Thread to Make Jewelry
DIY Love Stationary
DIY Love Stationary
The Woven Heart Card is a Crafty Handmade Valentine Card
DIY Jean Shirt Embellishments
DIY Jean Shirt Embellishments
The Distressed Chambray Tutorial Updates Basic Blouses
DIY Paper Cup Lights
DIY Paper Cup Lights
This Totally Love It Garland is Cost-Effective and Chic
DIY Portable Wooden Sanctuaries
DIY Portable Wooden Sanctuaries
The Hermit Houses Offer a Remarkable Way to Enjoy Nature
DIY Zippered Shirts
DIY Zippered Shirts
The Trash to Couture Tee Stylishly Recycles Your Apparel With a Little Edge
DIY Industrial Lighting
DIY Industrial Lighting
The Copper Geometric Pendant Lamp by Meg Kemner is Stylishly Easy
DIY Cardboard Cutout Lamps
DIY Cardboard Cutout Lamps
Create These Glamorous Pendant Lights Out of Recycled Materials
DIY Egg Magnets
DIY Egg Magnets
These Concrete Egg Magnets Will Nest Every Paper Clip in Sight
DIY Cement Candle Holders
DIY Cement Candle Holders
Decorate Your Home with These Tetrapod-Shaped Cement Candle Holders
DIY Office Accessory Necklaces
DIY Office Accessory Necklaces
This Creative Piece of Jewelry is Made from Safety Pins and Pearls
DIY Glistening Rope Lamps
DIY Glistening Rope Lamps
Light Glistens Between the Lines of These Rope Lamps by Hobby Design
Open-Sourced Furniture
Open-Sourced Furniture
The OpenDesk Allows People to Partake in the Production Process
DIY Hexagonal Wooden Lamps
DIY Hexagonal Wooden Lamps
This Handmade Wooden Lamp Starts Off as a Simple Cubic Frame
DIY Tablet Holders
DIY Tablet Holders
Save Some Funds With This 'Mamie Janes' Craft Instead of Going to the Store
DIY Hex Nut Jewelry
DIY Hex Nut Jewelry
Take a Trip to the Hardware Store for This DIY Bracelet Pictorial
Fantasy TV Halloween Costumes
Fantasy TV Halloween Costumes
Try This DIY Daenerys Targaryen Game of Thrones Halloween Costume
DIY Taped Paperclip Necklaces
DIY Taped Paperclip Necklaces
This Paperclip Necklace is Adorned with Colored Masking Tape
DIY No-Sew Headbands
DIY No-Sew Headbands
This No-Sew Headband DIY is a Quick and Easy Fix for Bad Hair Days
Upcycled Concrete Planters
Upcycled Concrete Planters
This DIY Activity Turns Big Blocks into Chic Outdoor Decor
Wallet-Friendly Feline Crafts
Wallet-Friendly Feline Crafts
These DIY Cat Toys are Made out of Empty Toilet Paper Rolls
DIY Minimalist Cement Clocks
DIY Minimalist Cement Clocks
This Chic Minimalist Clock DIY is Time Well Spent
DIY Love Origami
DIY Love Origami
Create 3D Valentine Hearts for That Special Someone
Novel-Covered Bedroom Decor
Novel-Covered Bedroom Decor
Create a Reader's Dream Room with the DIY Book Headboard
DIY Concrete Clocks
DIY Concrete Clocks
This Blogger Makes a Desktop Clock Out of Cement
DIY Industrial Illuminators
DIY Industrial Illuminators
Create Your Own Beautiful Brass Chandelier with this Basic Tutorial
Leather-Strapped Ledges
Leather-Strapped Ledges
This DIY Shelf Tutorial Makes it Easy to Create Stylish Storage Solutions
DIY Fringed Decor
DIY Fringed Decor
Decorate Parties In Unconventional Garland with this 'Oh Happy Day' Tutorial
Vibrantly Accented DIY Handbags
Vibrantly Accented DIY Handbags
This Activity Lets You Turn Out-of-Date Purses into Colorful Items
DIY Cut-Out Shelves
DIY Cut-Out Shelves
The Triangular Wall-Caddy by Brit+Co is Crafty and Creative
DIY Cement Pencil Holders
DIY Cement Pencil Holders
This Simplistic DIY Pencil Holder is Punched with Holes Like a Honeycomb
DIY Tassel Garland
DIY Tassel Garland
This ‘a pair and a spare’ Decor Will Look Splendid for Any Occasion
DIY Tree Seats
DIY Tree Seats
The T3 Tree Chair by ZO-Loft Provides an Impromptu Outdoor Furniture Piece
Braided Jersey Sweaters
Braided Jersey Sweaters
This Weave Shirt by Trash to Couture Will Breathe New Life into Clothes
DIY Cruller Lamps
DIY Cruller Lamps
This Wooden Lamp is Stylishly Twisted in Shape
DIY Larceny-Mimicking Keys
DIY Larceny-Mimicking Keys
Bird's Custom Key is Fused with a Screwdriver to Mimic Grand Theft
DIY Cement Sound Docks
DIY Cement Sound Docks
This DIY Sound Dock Adds Ambiance to Your Music with No External Speakers
DIY Origami Box Lights
DIY Origami Box Lights
Adorn Old Christmas Lights with Colorful Paper Boxes to Make Origami Lights
3D Architectural Wall Art
3D Architectural Wall Art
This DIY Makes an Eiffel Tower Picture Out of Nails and Thread
DIY Hanging Origami Decor
DIY Hanging Origami Decor
This Fun and Simple Activity Turns Vibrant Pieces of Paper into Art
Ice Cooler Tables
Ice Cooler Tables
This Rustic Table From Builders Showcase Has Steel Trough
DIY Magnetic Cork Planters
DIY Magnetic Cork Planters
These DIY Cork Planters are Cute and Easy to Create
Mounted Origami Organizers
Mounted Origami Organizers
The Tri-Angles Wall Pocket Kit Creates Geometrically Pleasing Boxes
3D Geometric Wall Decals
3D Geometric Wall Decals
Add Texture and Color to Your Decor with This Fun DIY Tutorial
DIY Concrete Illuminators
DIY Concrete Illuminators
This Hanging Concrete Lamp Will Add an Industrial Appeal to any Room
Upcycled Pallet Headboards
Upcycled Pallet Headboards
Turn an Ordinary Pallet into Chic Bedroom Decor with This Guide
Simple DIY Felt Purses
Simple DIY Felt Purses
Create a Casual Clutch for any Outing with This Simple Tutorial