Limited Time! Grab Future Festival Early Bird Pricing Before It’s Gone!
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Feb 2010
we take new things and we make them cool
Crowd Polling Apps
Crowd Polling Apps
Crowdsource Opinions From Friends and Poll the Public with 'PollPic'
Seemingly everyone from Jessie J to Vogue Williams is doing it—taking a changing room selfie, or #chelfie and sharing with their friends to poll the public. According to a survey, women rely... MORE
Converted Brothel Galleries
Converted Brothel Galleries
The Great Eastern Bear Has Much History
The Great Eastern Bear Gallery in Shoreditch, London is an art gallery in an east end brothel. Converted lovingly from its former seedy existence by photographer and gallery owner Rich Hendry, the... MORE
Beat Boxing Lookbooks
Beat Boxing Lookbooks
OneU Promotes its Collection with Musical Talent
OneU is a menswear label fusing two of the best features about menswear: urban street style and Savile Row tailoring. Buyers can find a bomber jacket made out of fine English tweed, and then have... MORE
Edible Rap Album Launches
Edible Rap Album Launches
'Browne Saucery' to be Released on a Ketchup Bottle
Freestyle rap MC, Voodoo Browne, has chosen to release his debut album ‘Browne Saucery’ in a number of innovative formats -- including on a bottle of brown sauce! 100 of these bottles -- complete with… MORE
Comprehensive Calendar Add-Ons
Comprehensive Calendar Add-Ons
MyCalfix Lets You Add Sports Schedules, Festival Dates & Sales
MyCalfix is a smart little know-it-all gizmo for busy bees to know what they should be up to. Simply tell it what you like, whether it's sports, music, holidays or festivals, and MyCalfix adds the key… MORE
Naughty Grown-Up Kids' Games
Naughty Grown-Up Kids' Games
The 210th Truth or Dare Box is a Racy Spin on a Familiar Fad
The 210th Truth or Dare box is the perfect gift to take your relationship to a deeper level. Each elegantly wrapped box comes with adult pleasuring devices and a stack of envelopes; each containing a truth… MORE
Triple-Dog Dare Blogs
Triple-Dog Dare Blogs
The Dare a Day Blog Challenges You With a Daily "Dare Dossier"
Calling all daredevils: the Dare a Day blog sends subscribers a daily 'dare dossier' with a challenge to complete, record and post on the blog. Without dares, we might never have eaten worms, jumped off… MORE
Bejeweled Turbans
Bejeweled Turbans
Get Sex and the City Style with these Georgia Nash Turbans
You’ve seen the film--now it’s your chance to get the latest Sex and the City look courtesy of British designer Georgia Nash and her range of beautifully designed jeweled turbans. Each of the Georgia… MORE
Supportive Guerillart Exhibits
Supportive Guerillart Exhibits
Mutate Britain's Street Art Supports Robin Hood Tax Campaign
MuTate Britain will be aiming to support the Robin Hood Tax campaign with a free exhibition of street art in East London’s Cordy House. The exhibition will feature work by Dr D, Dotmasters (... MORE
Online Fashionista Havens
Online Fashionista Havens
'Closetbox' is aNew Way to Buy and Sell Fashion Online
Closetbox is a brand new fashion website which allows you to sell unwanted clothes, but unlike Ebay there is no bidding -- you just name your price and sell your items. Better still, you could pick up… MORE
Math Savvy Watches
Math Savvy Watches
The Adidas Calculator Watch Will Unveil Your Inner Nerd
Adidas is bringing back calculator watches -- like the ones you used to cheat in Math class with, but in awesome candy colours. It's the perfect pairing of geek and sporty! They are currently available… MORE
Coffin Sound Systems
Coffin Sound Systems
The Coffin Crew Knows How to Party
The Coffin Crew comprise six Victorian undertakers who carry a sound system in a coffin around festival sites to entertain campers and ravers. By day, the members of the Coffin Crew dress as pall bearers;… MORE
Giant Worry Dolls
Giant Worry Dolls
Vicky Hawkins' Twisted Fairies Let You Wear Your Troubles on Your Sleeve
Artist Vicky Hawkins, whose work has been shown at the Royal Academy, has created Twisted Fairies. These Twisted Fairies are giant worry dolls that can be worn on one's sleeve or tied to one's handbag… MORE
Stingray Skin Accessories
Stingray Skin Accessories
Oscar Udeshi Creates Ultra Luxury Men's Wallets
Oscar Udeshi (designer and chairman of the British Menswear Guild) has created a line of accessories for men made out of dyed stingray skin. The accessories line includes wallets, credit card holders and… MORE
Fireball Forests
Fireball Forests
'Marvel' Bar Features Rich Hendry's Fired-Up Artwork
See what happens when fireballs are photographed in a forest. Acclaimed photographer Rich Hendry launches an exhibition of images of fireballs in forests in a new bar called 'Marvel' which is run by DJs.… MORE