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 Keynote Speaker

jodie anderson

Alpha Mum
Member Since
Jan 2009

I'm Jodie.

I'm really interested in social media, Internet culture and innovation ... I tend to have a very short attention span (I blame the internet!) and am always on the lookout for innovative products and services.

I love the internet because it connects people to each other ... & most importantly because people never cease to amaze me!!

What is unique that's not in your bio?
I love dogs with spotty coats - they're so pretty and I have two.
What's your favorite accomplishment?
It's cliche - but has to be our baby. Once you've had one, you'll know what I mean.
How do you define cool?
No body says "cool" anymore do they ? :)
What is your secret to uncovering trends?
Living, interacting with others, never judging people by their appearance, listening & just getting on with it!
What do you enjoy most about Trend Hunter?
It's so unpredictable. Anything could happen.
What is your favorite trend?
Imagination - it's very underrated.
What are your tips for writing a juicy post?
Keeping it short, sweet and to the point.
How do you reset to be creative?
Interacting with a 5 month old baby keeps me "creative".
What inspires or excites you?
The fact there are so many good people on this earth doing so many interesting things!
Predict something awesome for 2020?
9 to 5 jobs are a so 2000!
Freaky Sideshow Art
Freaky Sideshow Art
Circus Museum Art Isn't For People With Clown Phobias
Circus Museum is an Internet image bank storing thousands of posters, photos and prints which were used to advertise freak shows and circuses between about 1880 and 1930. The prints can be ordered in a… MORE
Human Body Fonts
Human Body Fonts
Red Ked's Interactive ‘BodyType' Script Celebrates Intimacy
BodyType is a joint collaboration between design studios Smart Head and Red Keds, providing an interactive script that has been created, literally, from the bodies of people. Every letter is a short video,… MORE
Garbage Bag Fashion
Garbage Bag Fashion
Michelle Jank's PonyStep Editorial Finds Beauty in Trash
Michelle Jank says she was inspired by “the idea of making something grand out of nothing special/rubbishy things,” for her exclusive Ponystep editorial with Paul Scala. The shoot took place on a beach… MORE
iPhone Document Scanners
iPhone Document Scanners
‘ScanDock' Lets You Capture Information Perfectly
The ScanDock for iPhone is a simple corrugated cardboard rig designed to make it easy to scan documents with your iPhone. If you’ve ever attempted to scan a document by just holding up your phone, you’ll… MORE
Beanbag Gadget Stands
Beanbag Gadget Stands
The 'MovieWedge' is Perfect for iPhone, iPod, PSP, & Zune
When a really great product comes along, it makes you think, “Oh my god--it’s so simple, yet so effective!” These were my thoughts exactly when I saw the MovieWedge. The MovieWedge is a beanbag for portable… MORE
Super-Sized Tribal Jewelry
Super-Sized Tribal Jewelry
Maria Mastori's Oversized Accessories Are Incredible
Athenian designer Maria Mastori’s latest oversized jewelry collection is published in the Greek edition of Elle Magazine and features bright neon-colored threads with gold, crystal, wood and onyx. The… MORE
Rectangular Runway Fashion
Rectangular Runway Fashion
Txell Miras's ‘Framing' Catwalk Collection
Spanish designer Txell Miras’s latest collection, ‘Framing,’ is a tribute to art and is more concerned with stimulating the mind than enhancing female beauty. The artist takes inspiration from many corners… MORE
Feathers and Leather Fringes
Feathers and Leather Fringes
Nalalia Brilli's Shiny New Accessories Collection
Some of the hottest accessories at the moment can be seen in Natalia Brilli’s latest collection, which is full of light romantic feathered earrings, fringed arm cuffs and layered necklaces, crafted from… MORE
Crocus Couture
Crocus Couture
Simon Ekrelius's ‘The Tower' Inspired Fashions
Lines and shadows play an important role in the work of Simon Ekrelius, who is fascinated by the relation between constructivism and the future. Hand painted futuristic motifs in silver and black on… MORE
Accessorizing With Taxidermy
Accessorizing With Taxidermy
Julia DeVille's Controversial Dead Animal Jewellery
Julia deVille’s creepy “twilight” creations are based on the artists obsession with Memento Mori jewelery of the fifteenth to eighteenth centuries and Victorian Mourning jewelery. “I find the acceptance… MORE
Shocking Animal Sculptures
Shocking Animal Sculptures
Patricia Piccinini's Frightening Hyper-Realist Artwork
Patricia Piccinini’s controversial hyper-realist sculptures received critical acclaim in 2003 when she represented Australia at the Venice Biennale. Hyper-realist sculptures force the viewer to respond… MORE
Twitter-Fueled TV Launches
Twitter-Fueled TV Launches
P. Diddy Leverages His 227,000 Followers for "P. Twitty TV"
With the increase in celebrities using social networking sites like Twitter, P. Diddy has cleverly used his Twitter following (which is approximately 227,000 followers at the time of writing) to launch… MORE
Role-Playing Celebtography
Role-Playing Celebtography
Tony Duran's Naughty Fantasy Images Are Sizzling
If these hot photos by Tony Duran don’t make you sizzle, then you’re not human! Tony Duran is a very talented photographer who has recently added Beyonce and Rene Russo to his portfolio. Duran's fantasy… MORE
Naughty Flight Attendants
Naughty Flight Attendants
Ryanair's Edita Schindlerova Has a Very Adult Second Job
This has to be a publicity stint from Ryanair. In what country does an airline flight attendant pay more than a semi-famous adult star? Ryanair stewardess Edita Schindlerova, 22, secretly appears on X-rated… MORE
Cage-Fighting Children
Cage-Fighting Children
School Uses Controversial Gladiator-Inspired Conflict Resolution
Principals are supposed to break up fights, but records show that South Oak Cliff High School actually sent troubled students into a steel utility cage in an athletic locker room to battle it out with… MORE
Twisted Nude Knits
Twisted Nude Knits
Sandra Backlund's Handmade “Pool Position” Knitwear
Sandra Backlund’s latest collection of handmade twisted knitwear, “Pool Position,” is one that was inspired by a series of tragic occurrences in her personal life. Says Backlund: “It was actually a sequel… MORE
Fantasy Fingernails
Fantasy Fingernails
Eccentric Nail Art Creations by Sam Biddle
Take a look at these amazing creations by renowned UK-based fingernail artist, Sam Biddle. Ms. Biddle is an international judge and competition winner, and in 2008 was finalist for nail professional of… MORE
War as Pop Art
War as Pop Art
Mauro Perucchetti's 'Apopalyptic' Sculptures Are Dangerously Colorful
Mauro Perucchetti’s exhibition ‘Apopalyptic’ engages in themes such as war, cloning, police brutality, fashion, addictive consumerism, drugs and media. Mario creates objects of consumerism through sculpture.… MORE
Personalized Yoga Mats
Personalized Yoga Mats Customized Mats Are Perfect for Aspiring Yogis
For all the hardcore yoga enthusiasts out there, you’re going to love At this website, you can select an existing yoga mat design from the gallery, or design your own. The mats are eco-friendly,… MORE
Flatpack Forts
Flatpack Forts
The 'Villa Julia' Cardboard Playhouse Lets Kids Play Designer
The 'Vila Julia' is a cardboard playhouse from Javier Marsical for Magis and was featured at Milan Design Week 2009. It seems like, these days, everything is being made from cardboard. The cardboard… MORE
24-Hour Home Construction
24-Hour Home Construction
‘Cottage in a Day' Makes Fast Housing for Everyone
As the name suggests, “Cottage in a Day” provides modern, fully customized, eco-friendly homes featuring natural wood products, and are delivered to the site, assembled, finished and ready to use in the… MORE
Singing Eggs
Singing Eggs
BeepEgg Plays Different Songs As Eggs Cook So You Know When They're Done
For most of us, boiling an egg is quite straight forward, although I must confess it’s not something I do frequently. For those of us who are gastronomically challenged, consider the BeepEgg. The BeepEgg… MORE
Human Washing Machines
Human Washing Machines
Avant Santelubain 999 Lets You Lay Down to Shower
If you’re tired of the traditional act of showering upright and having to do all the work yourself, meet the Avant Santelubain 999 from Japan. The automatic washing device is a robotic bath, aptly dubbed… MORE
Pillows for Workaholics
Pillows for Workaholics
This Cushion Prevents Keyboard Crash and Rash Injuries
I know there’s been moments where I’ve been working late on my PC, and nearly crashed on the keyboard with fatigue. To prevent “keyboard crash and rash” injuries--and make my sleep a little more comfortable… MORE
Babies with Tattoos
Babies with Tattoos
Are ‘Roothless & Toothless' Tats on Tots Wrong?
Have tattoos gone mainstream, or have babies become...humanized? The ‘Love Hate Tattoo’ studio in Miami has released their “Roothless & Toothless” tattooed clothing range for tots which includes onesies,… MORE
Naughty Disposable Dresses
Naughty Disposable Dresses
Washable Paper Fashion for Sale at the ModeMuseum
The use of paper as a material to make clothes from is not a new concept. Originally conceived in 1966, Scott Paper Company of the United States introduced the first throwaway paper dress as a propaganda… MORE
Studded Sneakers
Studded Sneakers
Worn Converse All Star Shoes Glammed Up By Gienchi
I have a soft spot for these old worn Converse All Stars, brought back to life with real glamor by Gienchi. The young designer from Milan has established a strong cult following; he creates objects of… MORE
Retro Audio Couture
Retro Audio Couture
The Loop NYC Ghetto Blaster Bag Has Real Speakers
Warning: Flashback to the 80’s!! Remember those great big Ghetto Blasters you used to play music cassettes in at school? Well, they’re back, but this time, they have some super modern features... OK,… MORE
Floating Offices
Floating Offices
The Recession Buster H2Office Lets You Work on Water
We would all kill for ocean views, but imagine going to work each day at a marina! H2Office are keen to develop “mini floating business parks” in marinas or other suitable water areas that are currently… MORE
Look-a-Like Commercials
Look-a-Like Commercials
New Found Fame for Obama Double in Indonesia
For Ilham Anas of Indonesia, looking like Barack Obama has made him an instant celebrity. Previously a photographer, Ilhan now stars in Obama look-a-like commercials on Indonesian TV, and has become a… MORE
Fantasy Fashiontography
Fantasy Fashiontography
August Bradley's Incredible and Dramatic Portraits
August Bradley is a Los Angeles-based conceptual, fashion and portrait photographer who creates unique images for clients that range from designer labels to large consumer brands and lifestyle magazines.… MORE
Gadget Rainbows
Gadget Rainbows
Beautiful Multi-Coloured Spectrum USB Hub from Art.Lebedev
This great looking USB hub has just been released from the Russian design studio Art.Lebedev. The inspiration for this USB hub was based on the research of Issac Newton into prisms of light. When a beam… MORE
Hip Pod Houses
Hip Pod Houses
'Module-Home' Architecture Has Solar Panels and Water Saving Systems
We all know about container homes, luxury modular homes and bizarre pod homes - all of which are not environmentally friendly. Finally, we now have modern-looking, eco-friendly homes that don’t cost the… MORE
Fairy Tale Fashion Shoes
Fairy Tale Fashion Shoes
Footwear by 'Miss L Fire' Fit For Cinderella and Snow White
The latest Miss L Fire range of shoes draws inspiration from fairy tales such as Cinderella, Rapunzel and Snow White. These fabulous shoes are indicative of the Miss L Fire style, a love for all things… MORE
Accordion Neck Wear
Accordion Neck Wear
Fernanda Pereira's Must-Have Accessories Are All About Pleats
I am really excited about these handmade neck collars from Portuguese designer Fernanda Pereira. If you’re lucky enough to find any of her designs that have not already sold out, then you’re doing very… MORE
1980s Graffiti-Inspired Sneakers
1980s Graffiti-Inspired Sneakers
Psychedelic Boots From Louis Vuitton and Stephen Sprouse
Back in 2001, Sprouse collaborated with Marc Jacobs to create the iconic Louis Vuitton Graffiti collection, which was a great success. Now Jacobs has released a new set of sneakers that are a tribute… MORE

Featured Ideas

Drugged-Out Toys
Drugged-Out Toys
COED Magazine's "Toys On Dope" Need an Intervention
The next time you’re a bit bored and looking for something to do, think about what the guys at COED Magazine have done with 'Toys on Dope' and see if you can match it! I’m sure they were under the influence… MORE
Freaky Naughty Accessories
Freaky Naughty Accessories
KinkLab 'Vampire' Gloves Are Perfect for Spiky Seduction
OK, so you may be wondering what vampires could possibly have to do with gloves and sex. The KinkLab Vampire Gloves have little metal spikes all over them (except on the palm). Depending on how you use… MORE
Sun-Loving Geek Gadgets
Sun-Loving Geek Gadgets
Griffgear Laptop Screen Shade Lets You Surf Outside
Sick of people peering over your shoulder, looking at your laptop when you need some privacy? Or maybe your eyes hurt because you work outside with your laptop? So how do you resolve this issue? Griffgear’s… MORE
Human Washing Machines
Human Washing Machines
Avant Santelubain 999 Lets You Lay Down to Shower
If you’re tired of the traditional act of showering upright and having to do all the work yourself, meet the Avant Santelubain 999 from Japan. The automatic washing device is a robotic bath, aptly dubbed… MORE
Naughty Flight Attendants
Naughty Flight Attendants
Ryanair's Edita Schindlerova Has a Very Adult Second Job
This has to be a publicity stint from Ryanair. In what country does an airline flight attendant pay more than a semi-famous adult star? Ryanair stewardess Edita Schindlerova, 22, secretly appears on X-rated… MORE
Singing Eggs
Singing Eggs
BeepEgg Plays Different Songs As Eggs Cook So You Know When They're Done
For most of us, boiling an egg is quite straight forward, although I must confess it’s not something I do frequently. For those of us who are gastronomically challenged, consider the BeepEgg. The BeepEgg… MORE
Accordion Neck Wear
Accordion Neck Wear
Fernanda Pereira's Must-Have Accessories Are All About Pleats
I am really excited about these handmade neck collars from Portuguese designer Fernanda Pereira. If you’re lucky enough to find any of her designs that have not already sold out, then you’re doing very… MORE
Beanbag Gadget Stands
Beanbag Gadget Stands
The 'MovieWedge' is Perfect for iPhone, iPod, PSP, & Zune
When a really great product comes along, it makes you think, “Oh my god--it’s so simple, yet so effective!” These were my thoughts exactly when I saw the MovieWedge. The MovieWedge is a beanbag for portable… MORE
Hedonistic Recession Responses
Hedonistic Recession Responses
Australia's White Cockatoo Holds Month-Long Clothes-Free Romp
A creative Australian resort owner has beaten off a soft season (no pun intended!) by hosting a month-long sex party in Australia. Mr. Fox, the owner of the White Cockatoo (the venue that is hosting the… MORE
Shanty Town-Inspired Furniture
Shanty Town-Inspired Furniture
Christian Vivanco Work Surface Mimics Informal Architecture
New work from Christian Vivanco “From A Lost City” features a multifunctional work surface and storage unit inspired by the informal architecture of shanty towns. The workbench has an informal structure… MORE
Babies with Tattoos
Babies with Tattoos
Are ‘Roothless & Toothless' Tats on Tots Wrong?
Have tattoos gone mainstream, or have babies become...humanized? The ‘Love Hate Tattoo’ studio in Miami has released their “Roothless & Toothless” tattooed clothing range for tots which includes onesies,… MORE
Crocus Couture
Crocus Couture
Simon Ekrelius's ‘The Tower' Inspired Fashions
Lines and shadows play an important role in the work of Simon Ekrelius, who is fascinated by the relation between constructivism and the future. Hand painted futuristic motifs in silver and black on… MORE
Croissant Sofas
Croissant Sofas
Kenneth Cobonpue Gives Outdoor Lounging a Scrumptious Twist
Australian designer Kenneth Cobonpue’s innovative use of rattan in his contemporary “croissant” outdoor furniture was inspired by his mother’s Phillipino furniture manufacturing store from the 1970’s.… MORE
Shoe Phones
Shoe Phones
Forget eBay, Paul Gardner-Stephen Shows You How To DIY
Paul Gardner-Stephen has invented the world’s first Shoe Phone. The device has received so much attention, he is considering making it available commercially. Paul originally created the item for a drama… MORE