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jenn reid

professionally awesome
Toronto, ON
Member Since
Jul 2009
I'm 22 years old but rarely act like it. I love X-Men and Harry Potter and wish I had super powers. I love to write, make references to Arrested Development and pretend I can play guitar.

I have memorized more movie quotes than basic math equations, and am an endless well of trivia. I get amused easily and enjoy naming inanimate objects. I have insomnia and am usually up all night doing something pointless.

I like fashion photography and musicians that dress like homeless people. I wear blue nail polish and Batman tshirts and drink too much coffee.

I'm addicted to texting, celebrity gossip and making fun of Michael Bay. I love 90s music and googling different hairstyles but never trying them. I have curly hair and gap teeth and am kind of weird, but also kind of awesome.
What is unique that's not in your bio?
When I am walking somewhere or taking public transit, I zone out and listen to my iPod. This often leads to me getting lost, missing my stop or walking in the wrong direction simply because I am not paying attention. Although it makes me late for just about everything, I enjoy it because I get to see parts of the city i don't usually and listen to my favourite songs at the same time.
What's your favorite accomplishment?
I'm trying to sneak into a Sarah Silverman stand-up show this weekend - if I am successful, it will be my favourite accomplishment in life.
How do you define cool?
There is "cool" cool, which is like people who drink and go to dive bars and wear trendy clothes and smoke cigarettes and listen to bands recommended by Pitchfork. I am not that kind of cool (although I do listen to bands recommended by Pitchfork). My kind of cool has always been the geeky cool - it's cool to know every line to cheesy 80s horror movies, or watch G4 all day, or spend hours arguing whether Superman or Batman would win a fight (and whose side Iron Man would be on). That's my kind of cool. (For the record, Batman would win because he would carry krypton on his utility belt, and Tony Stark is smart enough to know a winning team when he sees one).
What is your secret to uncovering trends?
The internet is years ahead of the rest of the world - jokes that I read on a message board will make its way into my friends lingo months later. If you stay plugged in, you'll always be the first to know what's next.
What do you enjoy most about Trend Hunter?
There is such extensive coverage, it's impossible to see it all. People are scouring the ends of the Earth and finding super cool things I never would have stumbled across otherwise.
What is your favorite trend?
The iPhone is the love of my life. Never fade away, iPhone trend. I need you.
What are your tips for writing a juicy post?
Humour. Wit. Cleverness. And maybe some information sprinkled in.
How do you reset to be creative?
I stare at my screen, then ignore it for twenty minutes to do something else, then stare at it again, then get distracted, then remember I was supposed to be doing something, and then churn it out in a matter of minutes.
What inspires or excites you?
Music. Bright colours. Creativity and art. Mixing concepts you wouldn't normally see together.
Predict something awesome for 2020?
Only four formats after BluRay do we finally hit a breakthrough in movie-watching technology: holographic images of actors are projected into our living rooms, where they act out the films. It's going to be epic.