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Property Consultant for London / Istanbul at HARVEY REYS
London, UK / Istanbul & Antalya, Turkey
Member Since
Nov 2006
An approachable and energetic property consultant using persuasive communication skills for. bespoke property sourcing, acquisition, disposal and development company primarily focused on the prime residential and commercial of London and Istanbul.

A well- practiced relationship builder offering a proven track-record in sourcing and acquiring new business with a high retention and referral rate; Building a clientele supported by 80% referral business.

Utilises an extensive professional network and nurtures long-standing partnerships to offer pre-market, unadvertised business opportunities that offering preferential and profitable transactions for individuals and companies.

Delivers a demonstrated a 25-year proven record of accomplishment and achievement across multiple disciplines in corporate and non-profit industries, and profitable self-employment.
Airplane Cars
Airplane Cars
The Milner AirCar Could Become An Eco-Friendly Mode of Transit
Enter the new fly-drive option for the adventurer - the Milner AirCar is both an airplane and a car, blended into a curvaceous, smooth finish. In the air, it cruises at 200mph and up to 25,000 feet, while… MORE
Brazil Underwear Day
Brazil Underwear Day
Bus Station Hosts Underwear Fashion Show & Go
Agreed not a new type of event, as New York has its very own National Underwear Day dating back to 2003, but this similar event in Brazil (in its second year) is more of a fashion show, as it represents… MORE
Robot Psychologist
Robot Psychologist
MindMentor The Future Of Mental Healthcare
Clinical psychologists Jaap Hollander and Jeffrey Wijnberg from Holland have created the MindMentor the first fully-functional on-line psychologist that will be help people with their emotional problems.… MORE
Deceptive Electronic Scales
Deceptive Electronic Scales
For Those Paranoid About Their Body Weight
There are three electronic scales in the Alice Wang designed Asimov's First Law range that highlights the fixation and psychological harm people can have with their (what they believe to be) ideal bodyweight.… MORE
Spice Gun
Spice Gun
Salt & Pepper Shoots Salad
Like it or not; cringe or choose to ignore the multiple ethical issues it raises in an already gun-happy world this Spice Gun loaded with salt, pepper, sugar or any other spice of your choice, makes the… MORE
NYC Living Japanese Style
NYC Living Japanese Style
Metal Shutter Duplex
The Metal Shutter Houses created by the Japanese Architect Shigaru Ban (in partnership with Dean Maltz Architects) stands 11 floors tall in the heart of West Chelsea, New York, and has brought Japanese… MORE
Strap-On Chair
Strap-On Chair
Legless Chair Looking For Love
The Strap-On Chair, created by Cambridge, Massachusetts born and raised designer Annika Schmidt, is proudly taking on the established preconceptions of what a chair should look like. The chair is one of… MORE
Charming Architecture Inpired by Birds
Charming Architecture Inpired by Birds
Quetzacoatl Nest
Given the choice of posting another amazing white apartment (which was truly lush) and this one was indeed a hard choice but in the end it was the Quetzacoatl Nest with its playful appeal, child-like innocence… MORE
First Renewable Fuel Flight
First Renewable Fuel Flight
Virgin Atlantic Flies On Babassu & Coconut Oil
Richard Branson is once again a step ahead of the competition and his company Virgin Atlantic has become the first world airlines to fly a 747 jumbo jet on renewable fuel. The flight from London to Amsterdam… MORE
Gunpowder Art
Gunpowder Art
Cai-Guo-Qiang Paints With Gunpowder
Cai-Guo-Qiang the Chinese artist will display his gunpowder works of art at a unique solo exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum in New York. His gunpowder works carry many accolades and have recently sold… MORE
Evolving House Design
Evolving House Design
Add & Subtract Live-In Modules As Required
Designers Andrea Fino and Samanta Snidaro of the Italian Sand & Birch Design Studio have created the OFT house to answer the varying demands of modern lifestyles; the OFT design system is based around… MORE
Penile Art
Penile Art
'Pricasso' Paints Portraits With Penis
Pricasso is well known on the sex-fair circuit (so they tell me) for his penile artworks and one-to-one portrait sessions and is now about to move into the mainstream art world with his inclusion in an… MORE
Layered 'Chameleon' Furniture
Layered 'Chameleon' Furniture
Oz Chair
Imagine flicking through the pages of a color-intense magazine and then transposing that feel onto a piece of furniture and you'll get an idea of the concept behind this chair; it is the clever design… MORE
International Design & Architecture Winner
International Design & Architecture Winner
Cape Town House J
House J is now the proud winner of the WAN house of the Year award - designed by South African architect Kevin Fellingham - and recognises the stunning characterisitics of this Simonstown house in Cape… MORE
Luxury Creation In Cancun
Luxury Creation In Cancun
NIZUC Resort Residence Spa
Set in 28 private beach-front acres the NIZUC Resort Residence and Spa is the creation of the ‘masters of hospitality’ Adrian Zecha and is sure to raise the bar even higher in the travel and vacation… MORE
7 Floors & 7 Stars Below Sea Level
7 Floors & 7 Stars Below Sea Level
Istanbul Underwater Hotel
This seven floor underwater hotel will give its guests a new view of the famous city of Istanbul. It is due to open in 2010, and will coincide with its Culture Capital of Europe nomination and lay down… MORE
Lumberjack Chic
Lumberjack Chic
Canadian Design Seeks An Identity
With designers around the globe carving out specialist niches and style that add to the reputation and recognition of not only the designer but also the design identity of a whole country or a region.… MORE
World's Largest Gucci Store
World's Largest Gucci Store
Gucci New York
New York can add another feature and tourist attraction to its already long list - the new Gucci flagship store about to be opened on 725 Fifth Avenue. The new store will be the world's largest Gucci store… MORE
Virtual Reality Frog Dissection Software
Virtual Reality Frog Dissection Software
Liked the idea of biology lessons but just could not get to grips with the frog dissection part of it, well computer scientists at the University of Buffalo have come up with the world's first virtual… MORE
Burton Love Snowboard Series
Burton Love Snowboard Series
A Playboy Burton Collaboration
Melt the snow with this collaboration between Burton and Playboy, who have joined forces to create the Burton Love Series snowboards that will hit the slopes at the end of 2008. These 'love boards' are… MORE
Niche Cosmetics For Hi Def TV
Niche Cosmetics For Hi Def TV
Cargo blu_ray Make-Up
So it seems that everyone is jumping on the Blu-Ray band wagon and further adding misery to the backers of the HD DVD. As a result, Cargocosmetics has introduced a new range of make-up aimed at make-up… MORE
Ultra-Green Office Building
Ultra-Green Office Building
Hidden Eco-Friendly Corporate HQ
The perfect excuse for being late for work has inadvertently been created by the architect and interior design team at the Penson Group. This proposed headquarter, called the Vestry, of a major UK company… MORE
Neon Denim
Neon Denim
Cali Glow In The Dark Denim
Cali Denim has produced a glow in the dark range that was predicted (albeit in jest) by top Trendhunter Bianca Bartz back in August 2007 in her review: The (Hideous) Return of Shoulder Pads Fashion. And… MORE
Charge Batteries While You Walk
Charge Batteries While You Walk
Knee Brace Dynamo
US and Canadian scientists have created a unique and useful device that will use your body movements while walking to charge up your batteries for a whole host of gadgets. As a human dynamo you will effortlessly… MORE
Ice Cool Modern Living
Ice Cool Modern Living
Snow House
When you think of Norway (if you ever have, that is), you would probably think of rocky fjords, cold weather, warm people, and an abundance of very lucrative goods like fish and oil. Most would not think… MORE
Stylish Sea Burial
Stylish Sea Burial
Sea Shell Urn
Some may feel that any talk of death or burial is cold and morbid, while others will see it as rebirth and rejuvenation, some look forward to it, while others try to outpace it with every lotion, potion… MORE
Furniture Can Change Your Thoughts
Furniture Can Change Your Thoughts
Mind Chair
The Mind Chair is the creation of London designers Peter Marigold and Beta Tank and is an amazing chair that utilizes sensory substitution technology developed in the 1960s to send and display high-definition… MORE
Reptile Sports Shoe
Reptile Sports Shoe
Reebok Insta Pump Fury Snake Collection
A new sports shoe from Reebok aimed at the less-phobic customers has just been showcased in Tokyo, Japan. The Insta Pump Fury Snake Collection has been released from the boxes and is sitting (or slithering)… MORE
The G-String of Bras
The G-String of Bras
Spanx Bra-llelujah
Just when men seem to have worked out all the bra-logistics out there needed for seamless romantic manoeuvres, in enters Spanx and creates an innovative and revolutionary hosiery bra that will leave men… MORE
Denim Art
Denim Art
JayimeJean Couture And Arthouse Collection
So you denim obsessed? Then you will know of, or even have a pair of, JayimeJean in your wardrobe (aka your art collection depository). The jean is now cemented in our style culture and advertises a great… MORE
Sculptures With Real Human Skin
Sculptures With Real Human Skin
Man Exhibits 3rd Ear
A disturbing and controversial new exhibition is taking place in Liverpool, UK displaying genuine skin tissue in sculptures- and as if that was not enough, Sk-interfaces at FACT have included thought-provoking… MORE
The Pizza Stalker
The Pizza Stalker
Domino's Online Pizza Tracking Service
The competition between Domino's and Pizza Hut has taken another twist, as Domino's has recently introduced an on-line pizza tracking service. Now you will be able to track your fast-food from the moment… MORE
Ice Sauna
Ice Sauna
The Snow Room Anti-Sauna
The Snow Room was showcased at a recent Hotel Equipment Fair in the ever-sunny resort of Antalya, Turkey and will be on sale in all luxury hotels and spas in 2008. The room will be offered to those hotel… MORE
Sneaker Evolution Art
Sneaker Evolution Art
Koi Club x Asics Collectors Box
The Koi Club x Asics Collectors Box manages to put the billion years of human evolution into four basic stages and make it a work of art, from which any schoolchild would find it easy to remember Darwin's… MORE
Barbed Wire Fashion
Barbed Wire Fashion
Maison Martin Margiela Menswear
The metallic menswear theme is hot off the European catwalks. From Paris fashion week comes Maison Martin Margiela's 20th anniversary show highlighting his fall-winter 08/09 collection. This much sought… MORE
Futuristic Steel Armchair
Futuristic Steel Armchair
Alaska Chair
Alaska - The perfect name for a chair that looks as cool as the state it is named after. This mirror polished Stainless Steel Armchair is the perfect accompaniment to all the other stainless steel furniture… MORE

Featured Ideas

Skate Boarding For School Fitness
Skate Boarding For School Fitness
Skate Pass the New PE Class?
A Physical Education class sure to get the attention of children, skateboarding in school - the skateboard today, is not frowned upon as it was in my years (which saw its invention), but is being positively… MORE
Designer Urinals
Designer Urinals
Art Appreciation in the Men's Room
There are not many things in our modern society that a man can honestly claim to be for ‘men only’. But for what it’s worth, urinals are one of them; up to now this toilet fixture has been boringly… MORE
Recycled Human Hair Chair
Recycled Human Hair Chair
So you want to declare your undying love to someone very close and want something which will be both individual and ever-lasting; then start saving a few dollars more a week and discreetly collect all… MORE
Neon Denim
Neon Denim
Cali Glow In The Dark Denim
Cali Denim has produced a glow in the dark range that was predicted (albeit in jest) by top Trendhunter Bianca Bartz back in August 2007 in her review: The (Hideous) Return of Shoulder Pads Fashion. And… MORE
7 Floors & 7 Stars Below Sea Level
7 Floors & 7 Stars Below Sea Level
Istanbul Underwater Hotel
This seven floor underwater hotel will give its guests a new view of the famous city of Istanbul. It is due to open in 2010, and will coincide with its Culture Capital of Europe nomination and lay down… MORE
Penile Art
Penile Art
'Pricasso' Paints Portraits With Penis
Pricasso is well known on the sex-fair circuit (so they tell me) for his penile artworks and one-to-one portrait sessions and is now about to move into the mainstream art world with his inclusion in an… MORE
Reptile Sports Shoe
Reptile Sports Shoe
Reebok Insta Pump Fury Snake Collection
A new sports shoe from Reebok aimed at the less-phobic customers has just been showcased in Tokyo, Japan. The Insta Pump Fury Snake Collection has been released from the boxes and is sitting (or slithering)… MORE
Flower Flavored Water
Flower Flavored Water
The Balance Water Company has introduced 3 new products into the bottled water category. Billed as world firsts the simple but sophisticated design encases a non-flavored, non-colored, and non-allergenic… MORE
Ultra-Green Office Building
Ultra-Green Office Building
Hidden Eco-Friendly Corporate HQ
The perfect excuse for being late for work has inadvertently been created by the architect and interior design team at the Penson Group. This proposed headquarter, called the Vestry, of a major UK company… MORE
Pizza for Dogs
Pizza for Dogs
Heaven Scent
This doggie treat is tempting regardless of whether you get around on two or four legs. The Heaven Scent Pizza for Dogs made by Blissful Biscuits comes ready to eat and shrink wrapped in a classic pizza… MORE
Notebook Stand
Notebook Stand
Desktop Experience For Your Notebook
“Logitech® Altoâ„¢ Takes Notebook PC Comfort to New Heights”. If you like me spend most of your time using a notebook PC and find the uncomfortable postures, tiny and unconventional keyboard layout… MORE
Eat, Drink & Be Eco-Friendly
Acorn House is a brand new addition to London’s culinary hotspots where you can indulge in exotic food and fine wines in luxury surroundings - and help save the planet by the time the dessert arrives.… MORE
Top 10 Health & Fitness Trends in 2007
Top 10 Health & Fitness Trends in 2007
The messages of concern regarding the epidemic of obesity and its related chronic illnesses and diseases continue to be unheard or just plain ignored, as waistlines continue to expand and the lack... MORE
Strap-On Chair
Strap-On Chair
Legless Chair Looking For Love
The Strap-On Chair, created by Cambridge, Massachusetts born and raised designer Annika Schmidt, is proudly taking on the established preconceptions of what a chair should look like. The chair is one of… MORE