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 Keynote Speaker

Jim Todd

3D animation student
Boca Raton, FL
Member Since
Apr 2010

I'm currently a student at Digital Media Arts College In Southern FL, studying 3D animation and computer graphics.

What is unique that's not in your bio?
This statement.
What's your favorite accomplishment?
All of them. They all build off of each other.
How do you define cool?
Appealing to me.
What is your secret to uncovering trends?
What do you enjoy most about Trend Hunter?
Getting involved
What is your favorite trend?
undiscovered knowledge
What are your tips for writing a juicy post?
Write something that you yourself would want to read.
How do you reset to be creative?
Eat food all the time.
What inspires or excites you?
Predict something awesome for 2020?
Everything will be fueled by pizza..
X-Ray Pin-Ups
X-Ray Pin-Ups
Eizo Creates a Very Revealing Calendar
These x-ray pin-ups (or "x-rayted" pin ups) comprise quite literally the most revealing calender I've ever seen. Eizo is a medical supply company that just happens to have a very exotic and creative marketing… MORE
Edible Colored Bacon
Edible Colored Bacon
Neil Caldwell's Rainbow Bacon is Soaked in Colorful Dye
Is 'Green Eggs and Ham' your favorite book? Do you like leprechauns or staring at color wheels? Then this rainbow bacon is for you. This variety of colorful bacon includes red, orange, yellow, green, blue… MORE
Girly Macho Mobiles
Girly Macho Mobiles
The Hello Kitty Ferrari 360 Modena Makes a Manly Car Pretty in Pink
A Hello Kitty Ferrari 360 Modena was spotted in Jakarta, Indonesia with an excessive amount of they feline everywhere. The modifications include a custom kitty head exhaust, mirrors, floor mats, steering… MORE
Ghost-Fighting Backpacks
Ghost-Fighting Backpacks
Ghostbusters Proton Pack Backpack Lets You Be Egon
No need to call Peter, Raymond and Egon to scare off your poltergeists--just strap on the Ghostbusters Proton Pack backpack! The shirt and backpack are printed replicas of the uniforms worn in 'Ghostbusters,'… MORE
Zombie Chainsaws
Zombie Chainsaws
Protect Yourself from Zombie Infestations with this Custom Weapon
Jak, a reader of the blog Geekologie, sent them some pics of his latest artwork: a zombie chainsaw, painted for extra flair, and meant for tearing through those zombie infestations that seem to be happening… MORE
Chainsaw Garden Tools
Chainsaw Garden Tools
The B & D Alligator Lopper Cuts with Power
Whether you're trimming your backyard trees or cutting paper for your origami class, the Black & Decker Alligator Lopper, a shears-chainsaw hybrid, will not only do the trick, but will do it with a cool-looking… MORE
Gamer Zombie Hybrids
Gamer Zombie Hybrids
Manuel Augusto Dischinger Moura Creates Zombie 'Street Fighter' Characters
These zombie 'Street Fighter' characters are the brainchild of professional concept artist Manuel Augusto Dischinger Moura. It is known that most gamers are fans of zombies and most zombie enthusiasts… MORE
Fast Food Aromatherapy
Fast Food Aromatherapy
The White Castle Burger-Scented Candle Benefits Autism Speaks
What better way to celebrate National Hamburger Month than to make your entire house smell of onions with the White Castle burger-scented candle? Just be sure not to eat it. Although they are currently… MORE
Animalistic Showers
Animalistic Showers
The Stag Shower Head Lets You Get Wet and Wild
What better way to start the day than to have the head of a stag shooting water out of it's mouth at you? I certainly can't think of anything better. It would definitely be a very surreal addition to… MORE