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Anya Nikoulina

Member Since
Jun 2007
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Extreme Taxi Experiences
Extreme Taxi Experiences
Mr.Geography Provides Education on the Go
I have yet to catch his cab, but Mr. Geography’s reputation around Toronto is astounding, he and Chuck Norris could even be in the same joke category! Mr. Geography (Mohammad Saaed Collins) has been quizzing… MORE
Sliding Catwalks
Sliding Catwalks
Neon Makes Strutting Even Harder
Massive gloves, rockin’ bathing suits and heart-shaped glasses skid across the catwalk for Neon’s fall/winter 2008 show. Models may have had a harder time balancing even though stilettos were replaced… MORE
Party Monitors
Party Monitors
Judges How Rockin' Your Party Is
Don’t write your party off as a dud until you’ve consulted with the Party Timer! In case you consume too many beverages to notice, or you want to broadcast your success as a party host, the Party Timer… MORE
Elite Social Networking
Elite Social Networking
VIP Status on the Web
What is seemingly a contradiction is catching on as exclusive social networking sites are gaining popularity amongst the wealthy. Participation in sites such as aSmallWorld, Diamond Lounge and… MORE
Naughty Library in Paris
Naughty Library in Paris
Hell at the Library
La Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris is finally letting the public take a peek at its secret collection of erotic works that have been hidden for 40 years. Since the 1830’s, librarians hid books and reference… MORE
Pure Gold Swim Suit
Pure Gold Swim Suit
Bling Your Bikini
Swimming in pure gold is now a dream come true. Japan’s jeweler Tanaka Kikinzoku introduced a bathing suit made from more then 17oz of finely woven, pure gold thread. Traditional Japanese craftsmanship… MORE
Eco-Friendly Gaia Hotel and Spa in Napa Valley preaches 'An Inconvenient Truth'
Eco-Friendly Gaia Hotel and Spa in Napa Valley preaches 'An Inconvenient Truth'
The Gaia hotel and Spa, Napa Valley’s first fully environmentally sustainable hotel is the poster child of everything eco-friendly. Aside from being built from responsibly harvested wood and being equipped… MORE
Online Dating for Dogs
Online Dating for Dogs
Puppy Love Gets Digital
Is your dog getting jealous of your love ‘via-internet’ connection? No need to exclude your four legged friend, doggie dating online is gaining popularity. Websites such as… MORE
Nursing Home for Dogs
Nursing Home for Dogs
Japan Teaches New Tricks to Old Dogs
Japan is opening the first nursing home for dogs. Priced at just $850 per month, the Soladi home provides the utmost care and service for your best friend. Aside from round-the-clock visits and doctor… MORE
Powdered Alcohol
Powdered Alcohol
Dutch Students Invent Powdered Booze to Sneak Into Clubs
Using fake ID’s is so passé these days, now minors can buy alcohol guilt free and more importantly hassle free via Booz2Go. Dutch students from the Helicon Vocational Institute, which is not surprisingly… MORE