Many urban light fixtures are doing away with traditional lampshades for a few reasons, one of which involves the fact that they don't pack up very well; enter the ZooM Lampshade. The ZooM Lampshade is a 3D printed design that is flat-pack friendly to ensure that it is not ruined when people need to stash it away for one reason or another.
Designed by Dutch designer Michiel Cornelissen Ontwerp, the ZooM Lampshade is a pentagonal arrangement of interlocked plastic spirals. Cheaper to make and easier to ship, the ZooM Lampshade is available in a variety of different colors including black, white and blue. Chic and contemporary, it is easy to assemble. Fast Co Design points out, "Thread a light bulb cord through the center and watch it pop out, like a tent, into a classic lampshade shape."
Flat-Packed 3D-Printed Lampshades
The ZooM Lampshade by Michiel Cornelissen Ontwerp is Chic
Trend Themes
1. Flat-packed Lampshades - The trend of flat-packed lampshades allows for easier storage and shipping.
2. 3d-printed Design - The trend of 3D-printed lampshades offers new possibilities in customization and cost-efficiency.
3. Urban Lighting Innovations - The trend of modern urban lighting fixtures is driving the need for innovative lampshade designs.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - The interior design industry can explore new opportunities in creating flat-packed and customizable lampshades.
2. 3D Printing - The 3D printing industry can capitalize on the demand for 3D-printed lampshades and drive further innovation in materials and design.
3. Lighting and Fixtures - The lighting and fixtures industry can benefit from incorporating flat-packed and modern lampshade designs into their product offerings.