Woven Support Mattress Systems

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Ziwi ZiPP is an Innovative Pressure-Isolating System for Mattresses

Ziwi ZiPP introduces a new system for mattresses to the sleep industry, and it challenges the idea that quality support material must be buried below comfort layers.

Tony Pearce, the inventor of Purple’s flexible grid technology, developed a new pressure-isolating system for mattresses. "No technology has been able to isolate pressure points from support areas of the body and provide targeted softness and firmness the way the grid did," said Pearce in a press release, "However, I have long felt there was a way to deliver this important comfort without the unusual feel and instability of the grid."

Thanks to a design that draws alternating channels of support upward, Ziwi ZiPP redistributes weight across support material and allows for heat-releasing airways to open with body weight—unlike other designs that close off and compress.
Trend Themes
1. Targeted Support Technology - Ziwi ZiPP's materials introduce a system that differentiates between pressure points and support areas, providing tailored comfort never achieved before.
2. Heat-release Mattresses - The innovative design of Ziwi ZiPP allows airways to open with body weight, setting a new standard for temperature regulation in sleep technology.
3. Alternating Channel Designs - Ziwi ZiPP's alternating channel system enhances weight redistribution, revolutionizing the approach to balance and stability in mattress design.
Industry Implications
1. Sleep Technology - Ziwi ZiPP is redefining the capabilities of mattress systems within the sleep technology industry, focusing on pressure-isolation and temperature management.
2. Advanced Bedding Materials - By utilizing a unique material system designed to open airways under pressure, Ziwi ZiPP offers new avenues for research and development in advanced bedding materials.
3. Home Health Equipment - Incorporating Ziwi ZiPP technology can drive innovation in the home health equipment sector, particularly in products designed to alleviate pressure sores and improve sleep quality.

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