Youth-Focused Non-Profit Programs

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In Tandem's Youth Voice Fellowship Offers Paid Opportunities

In Tandem is a newly launched non-profit focused on facilitating meaningful youth engagement in the development of products and services designed for young people and the brand comes strong out of the gate with the Youth Voice Fellowship. This structured program offers paid opportunities for 14- to 18-year-olds to contribute their perspectives on user-centered design.

This program aims to bridge the gap between young people and organizations by removing barriers to collaboration and ensuring that youth insights are incorporated throughout various stages of research and development. The Youth Voice Fellowship initiative emphasizes the importance of involving youth in the design process — a move that not only has the potential to strengthen product offerings but also equips youth with skills in behavioral science and design thinking.
Trend Themes
1. Youth-powered Design - Involving youth in design processes can result in products that are more attuned to the needs and preferences of young consumers.
2. Paid Youth Fellowships - Offering paid opportunities to young people can democratize access to career-building experiences and increase their engagement.
3. User-centered Training - Training youth in user-centered design and behavioral science can create a new generation of skillful designers and thinkers.
Industry Implications
1. Non-profit Sector - The non-profit sector can leverage youth insights to innovate and tailor more effective community programs and services.
2. Education and Skill Development - Educational institutions and skill development programs can adopt youth-focused fellowships to enhance real-world learning experiences.
3. Tech and Product Design - Tech companies and product design firms can benefit from incorporating youth perspectives to create more relevant and appealing designs.

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