These abnormal but alluring sculptures are created by visual artist Yinka Shonibare who has developed a taste for all things bizarre.
At first glance, these small figurines may look odd but there's a deeper meaning to the works of Nigeria-raised and London-based Shonibare. This artist explores the conflicts of race and class by toying with taxidermy and fabrics. The use of a calf and fox head expresses the youthful rebellion in this social issue. This exhibition enable users to think about the relationshop between Africa and Europe with the obvious contrast of rich and poor.
The figurines are seen holding pistols, which conveys a sense of violence and leaves the audience to interpret the symbolic gestures. Yinka Shonibare has taken a creative path to illustrate a serious issue in today's modern world.
Animalistic Assassin-Like Figures
Yinka Shonibare Creates Sculptures That are Uber Surreal
Trend Themes
1. Surreal Sculptures - Artists can create figurines that provide deeper meanings to the works of art.
2. Class and Race Conflicts - Exploration of the contrasts between rich and poor countries through art installations.
3. Symbolic Gestures - Use of props such as pistols that allows the audience to interpret the deeper symbolism.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Sculpture Industry - A fusion of various materials to create surreal art pieces.
2. Social Issues Industry - Use of public art installations to draw attention to public issues.
3. Design Industry - Incorporating symbolism into design to produce provocative and thought-provoking products.