Game-Tracking Posters

The 2010 World Cup Radial Bracket Poster is for Artistic Soccer Fans

The 2010 World Cup Radial Bracket Poster is an interesting poster that charts the games won.

New York-based design studio Hyperakt has designed this poster with a radial bracket for the artistic soccer fan. The result is a cool poster that acts as a game tracker. Now, when you're arguing at the bar about who won what game with how many points, you can claim "I have a poster..."

The 2010 World Cup Radial Bracket Poster is creative, cool and an interesting way to support the sport.
Trend Themes
1. Game-tracking Posters - Opportunity for creating visually appealing posters that track game results in various sports.
2. Radial Bracket Designs - Opportunity to design innovative radial brackets for displaying tournament or game results.
3. Artistic Sports Fan Merchandise - Opportunity for creating unique and artistic merchandise that caters to sports fans.
Industry Implications
1. Graphic Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity in leveraging graphic design to create visually appealing game-tracking posters.
2. Sports Merchandise - Disruptive innovation opportunity in developing artistic and unique merchandise for sports fans.
3. Event Management - Disruptive innovation opportunity in incorporating innovative game-tracking displays or posters into live sports events.

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