Handmade Knitted Taxidermy

Jessica Dance Created These Beautiful Wool Animal Heads

Jessica Dance is a creative art director based out of London who handcrafted these clever wool animal heads which add a quirky, playful element to interior walls. As a kind alternative to mounting hunted animals, Jessica uses her domestic knitting machine, felt and 100% lambs wool to bring each life-size beast to existence. This series of humane taxidermy, appropriately titled ‘The Knit-Heads,’ includes beautiful recreations of a highland bull, a sheep, a deer, a stag and a boar.

What strikes me most about each of these fantastic mounted creatures is the sheer size and structure (especially in the neck.) With measurements ranging from 50cm - 80cm these wool animal heads take about three days to complete. I absolutely love this idea. The kind facial expressions and soft tusks are remarkably calming details which bring texture, depth and conversation to any room.
Trend Themes
1. Humane Taxidermy - Handcrafted wool animal heads offer a kind alternative to traditional taxidermy, creating a niche for ethical and humane home decor.
2. Handmade Crafts - The popularity of handmade and artisanal products highlights a growing demand for unique, non-mass produced items.
3. Sustainable Home Decor - Eco-friendly materials are becoming more popular for home decor, providing an opportunity for sustainable alternatives to traditional materials.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - Interior designers can focus on ethical and unique home decor options that appeal to a growing conscious consumer market.
2. Textile Manufacturing - Innovation in textile manufacturing can lead to more eco-friendly and sustainable materials for home decor and fashion.
3. Artisanal Gifts - Independent artists and makers can create one-of-a-kind handmade items for a niche market of consumers seeking unique and ethical gift options.

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