DIY Cruller Lamps

This Wooden Lamp is Stylishly Twisted in Shape

Just like a honey cruller, this wooden lamp is smoothly twisted in shape. South Korean DIY blogger Design Hobby created this simple yet captivating lamp by stacking square wooden parts on top of each other.

The process of this DIY is quite simple; the creator affixed one wooden square on top of another, slightly shifting the angle of each. This concept works well, because it leaves very small gaps in between the shifted wooden fragments that release little glimpses of light.

The lamp is geometrically intriguing from all angles; the tall, twisted effect almost resembles an architectural project. The creator has left the lamp unpainted for an organic appeal, but it could be spray painted to match any living space.
Trend Themes
1. DIY Lighting - Opportunities for makers to create unique and personalized lighting fixtures through DIY techniques.
2. Geometric Design - The use of angular shapes and patterns in design offers opportunities for creating visually striking products.
3. Natural Materials - The use of natural materials in product design results in unique and sustainable products.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor - Home decor industry can explore incorporating the trend of DIY lighting in their product offerings.
2. Furniture - Furniture industry can experiment with incorporating geometric design in their product lines.
3. Sustainable Products - Sustainable product industry can explore using natural materials for product design to create eco-friendly products.

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