App-Connected Basketballs

Wilson Sporting Goods Aims to Make a Data-Filled Sports Ball

Wilson Sporting Goods is pairing up with SportIQ to come up with a basketball and app that will allow users to track their progress for the game. Once the connection is made between app and ball, data will be sent to one's phone detailing the accuracy of a person's shot, as well as other information such as fitness levels and the distance shooters are standing away from the net.

While this new product would be great for pro NBA players, the design is meant to be accessible for anyone interested in the sport and wanting to improve their game. The app is expected for release later in 2014, as the two companies are currently working out any bugs before launching. Photo Credits: designboom, wilson
Trend Themes
1. Connected Sports Equipment - Sporting goods companies can innovate by developing app-enabled sports equipment that provides data analytics and real-time insights for athletes.
2. Smart Sporting Applications - Companies can create software solutions that allow users to track and analyze their athletic performance through app-enabled sports equipment.
3. Data-driven Fitness - Fitness and wellness businesses can leverage app-enabled sports equipment to provide data-driven insights and customized workout plans for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.
Industry Implications
1. Sports Equipment Manufacturing - Sports equipment manufacturers can embrace technology and innovation to create app-enabled products that revolutionize the sports industry.
2. Software Development - Software development companies can create sport-specific applications that integrate with app-enabled sports equipment and offer data analytics for athletes and coaches.
3. Fitness and Wellness - Fitness and wellness companies can integrate app-enabled sports equipment into their programs to offer data-driven insights and personalized workout plans for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

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