The Wilma Hurskainen four sisters series takes a walk down memory lane and sparks nostalgia. Hurskainen wanted to create a blast from the past by recreating old family photos. She revisited the same locations along with her three sisters, and not only posed in the same manner as the original shots, but also matched the clothing as well.
It is amazing to see the differences from being a young child to a grown adult, especially when placed on a side-by-side frame. This is a fun idea that anybody can do, and would make for a great piece to cherish for years to come. It can even be re-done as the years go by. Memories last forever, and photographs are a great way to capture them.
Sibling Memory Captures
The Wilma Hurskainen Four Sisters Series is Nostalgic
Trend Themes
1. Nostalgic Photography Trends - The trend involves the recreation of old family photos and revisiting the same locations to capture memories.
2. Memory Preservation Trends - The trend involves the use of photography to capture memories and cherish them for years to come.
3. Family Collaboration Trends - The trend involves the collaboration of family members to create and preserve memories.
Industry Implications
1. Photography Industry - The photography industry could take advantage of this trend by offering nostalgic photography packages.
2. Family Photography Industry - The family photography industry could offer collaborative photography sessions to create memories.
3. Tech Industry - The tech industry could develop tools and applications to preserve and display memories captured through photography.