Whiskey-Brewed Coffees

This Whiskey Coffee Adds a Fun Kick to Your Morning Routine

If you want to start your day off with a bang then this whiskey coffee by a small AMerican brewery Fliquor Bean is using whiskey instead of water to brew this java drink. This tantalizing coffee might be a drink you'll want to save for the weekend.

Coffee and liquor often go well together thanks to the aromatic scent of the beans outweighing and complementing the pungent notes of the alcohol. Fliquor Bean creates a vintage coffee beverage made from strong and authentic whiskey that is served in an old school liquor bottle. Rather than using water Fliquor Bean brews the drink exclusively using whiskey so that it can be consumed cold and over ice.
Trend Themes
1. Whiskey-coffee Hybrid - There's an opportunity for distilleries and small coffee bean companies to collaborate and create more innovative whiskey-coffee hybrid products that attract coffee and whiskey lovers alike
2. Vintage-inspired Beverages - There's an opportunity for vintage-inspired beverage companies to create and market products that provide a nostalgic experience for customers who value traditional drinks that have been reimagined in modern ways
3. Alcohol-infused Beverages - There's an opportunity for alcoholic beverage companies to expand their product offerings by creating more unique and flavorful options that incorporate popular liquor flavors into non-alcoholic beverages
Industry Implications
1. Distillery - Distillery companies can explore incorporating coffee into their whiskey production process or partner with coffee companies to create innovative whiskey-coffee hybrid products that appeal to a wider audience
2. Specialty Coffee - Specialty coffee companies can explore innovative ways to brew coffee using non-traditional liquids like whiskey and create new and unique coffee beverages that appeal to whiskey drinkers
3. Beverage Distribution - Beverage distribution companies can market and distribute innovative vintage-inspired and alcohol-infused beverage products to consumers who are looking for unique and flavorful options in the beverage market

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