Smart Speaker Board Games

'When in Rome' is a Trivia Game Reimagined with Amazon Alexa

'When in Rome' is the name of an innovative trivia board game from a start-up called Sensible Object that introduces an entirely new form of gameplay with Amazon Alexa.

While there are many trivia board games that are centered around players answering a variety of questions, When in Rome takes a different approach to this concept by integrating a smart speaker as an integral part of the experience. During gameplay, Amazon Alexa's role is to keep track of interactions, the score and share trivia questions from locals across 20 cities around the world. The aim of When in Rome is for a player to make their journey around the world the fastest.

When in Rome is reportedly one of six new games of this style that will be introduced by Sensible Object.
Trend Themes
1. Voice-integrated Board Games - Using smart speakers as an integral part of board game experiences presents opportunities for enhanced interaction and immersive gameplay.
2. Localized Trivia Experiences - Incorporating trivia questions from locals in different cities around the world adds a unique and educational element to board games.
3. Tech-enabled Game Tracking - Utilizing smart speakers like Amazon Alexa to track interactions and scores in board games offers convenience and accuracy in gameplay.
Industry Implications
1. Board Games - The integration of smart speakers in board games opens up possibilities for innovative and engaging experiences.
2. Voice Assistants - Voice-integrated board games create a market for voice assistants like Amazon Alexa to be used in interactive entertainment.
3. Tourism and Travel - Trivia games with questions based on locals from different cities can provide a fun and educational activity for tourists.

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