Consensual Conjugation Ads

The We Can Stop It Campaign Sends a Clear Message About the Word 'No'

There can never be too many reminders about the meaning of rape, as the We Can Stop It campaign shows. After all, there are many instances when a woman says no, it can be construed in an ambiguous way. These print ads highlight that when a girl is asleep, that means no. When a girl is too drunk, that also means no. And pressuring a girl to change her answer is also a form of rape.

Put together by Police Scotland, the We Can Stop It campaign sends a powerful message about consensual sex. Not only does it urge men to take responsibility for knowing the meaning of no, but also pride in their attitude. It also brings attention to sexual attacks on men.
Trend Themes
1. Consensual Conjugation - There is an opportunity to create a social movement aimed at promoting the importance of consensual sex.
2. Clear Communication - There is an opportunity to develop new communication tools and materials, including those aimed at schools and colleges, to educate young people about the importance of clear and unambiguous communication when it comes to consent.
3. Inclusive Messaging - There is an opportunity to create campaigns that are more inclusive and diverse, reaching a wider range of people beyond the traditional gender binary roles assumed in discussions about sexual consent.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising & Marketing - There is an opportunity for agencies to work with nonprofits and government organizations to develop and execute powerful and effective awareness campaigns on topics such as sexual assault and consent.
2. Education - There is an opportunity to create new resources for schools and colleges - including online modules and physical materials - that help to educate young people about the importance of communication and consent.
3. Public Safety - There is an opportunity for law enforcement and advocacy groups to partner and collaborate on anti-rape and anti-sexual assault initiatives aimed at prevention, education, support, and justice for survivors.

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