AI-Blended Wines

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von Stiehl Winery is Using Artificial Intelligence to Blend Innovative Wines

AI holds promise in bringing unconventional concepts to beverage development and yet, human input remains essential for crafting drinks that truly tantalize the taste buds—and Wisconsin-based von Stiehl Winery is using artificial intelligence to develop its AI White and AI Red.

"We trademarked AI for wines, then proceeded to figure out what to do with it. We blended wines from 2022, and released them in the summer of 2023," said Brad Schmiling, von Stiehl Winery co-owner, "Now we're seeking feedback and comments on these wines to input to AI. Our new wine will be blended according to the interpretation of suggestions for v2.0."

Two baseline wines will be used to collect feedback from wine drinkers, which will be blended with the aid of AI.
Trend Themes
1. AI-blended Wines - von Stiehl Winery is using artificial intelligence to develop its AI White and AI Red.
2. Human-AI Collaboration - Human input remains essential for crafting drinks that truly tantalize the taste buds.
3. Feedback-driven Wine Development - von Stiehl Winery is seeking feedback and comments on their wines to input to AI for future blends.
Industry Implications
1. Winery - von Stiehl Winery is innovatively using AI to blend their wines, bringing a new level of creativity and efficiency.
2. Beverage Development - The use of AI in wine blending offers the potential for unconventional concepts and innovative flavor profiles.
3. Artificial Intelligence - AI is transforming the winemaking industry by assisting in the creation of unique and distinctive wine blends.

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