Brain-Training Eye Apps

The Ultimeyes App Could Improve Your Vision by Training Your Brain

The Ultimeyes app can enhance your eyesight through brain-training sessions. The app encourages users do these exercises four days per week. In a recent baseball study, researchers found that training your brain with a perceptual learning app could improve your vision.

The test was done on baseball players at the University of California in Riverside. During the 2013 NCAA Division 1 season, 19 players on the team were given 25-minute brain-training sessions with the Ultimeyes app. The results showed that the players who used the Ultimeyes app had significant improvements in their sight at a distance of 20 feet and farther.

Some of the players had 20/20 vision at the start of the season and jumped to 20/15 and some even 20/7.5 by the end. The research indicated an average increase of about 31 percent.
Trend Themes
1. Brain-training Apps - There is an opportunity to create brain-training apps to improve other areas besides eyesight, such as hearing or memory.
2. Perceptual Learning - The concept of perceptual learning could be applied to other industries, like virtual reality training or education.
3. At-home Healthcare - The combination of technology and healthcare could open up opportunities for at-home healthcare services using similar brain-training approaches.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - Healthcare providers could incorporate brain-training apps in their patient care, offering patients a non-invasive option to improve their eyesight.
2. Fitness - Fitness companies could create brain-training programs for athletes aimed at improving their sports performance.
3. Education - Educational institutions could use brain-training methods to improve cognitive abilities in children with learning disabilities.

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