Gourmet Baby Food Jars

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Cow & Gate's Veggie & Turkey Risotto is a Protein-Enriched Meal Option

Cow & Gate's Veggie & Turkey Risotto is a baby-friendly, gourmet-inspired product that is packed with nutrients. A great source of protein, the product is specially formulated for babies that are 4+ months and combines savory tastes in a puree style format. Each Veggie & Turkey Risotto dish is packed in a convenient and eco-friendly jar, and boast no allergens or artificial additives.

Consisting of broccoli water, rice, courgette, turkey, peas, green pepper, potato, corn starch and rapeseed oil, this baby-friendly risotto dish takes cues from a gourmet adult recipe but is smoother in texture and easier to digest.

Specializing in flavorful and nutritious baby food options -- ranging from this turkey risotto to other favorites like chicken sunday lunch and butternut squash & salmon -- Cow & Gate prides itself on helping parents introduce their kids to real and wholesome food that is made from the finest ingredients.
Trend Themes
1. Gourmet Baby Food - Opportunity for creating high-quality, nutritious and gourmet-inspired baby food options.
2. Protein-enriched Meals - Opportunity to develop protein-packed meals for babies to support their growth and development.
3. Convenient & Eco-friendly Packaging - Opportunity to innovate in packaging solutions that are convenient, sustainable, and eco-friendly for baby food products.
Industry Implications
1. Baby Food - Disruptive innovation opportunities in creating gourmet and protein-enriched baby food options using high-quality ingredients.
2. Packaging - Disruptive innovation opportunities in developing convenient and eco-friendly packaging solutions for baby food products.
3. Nutrition - Disruptive innovation opportunities in designing specialized nutrition products for babies that support their growth and development.

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