Therapeutic Safari Apps

The TF-CBT Triangle of Life Helps Traumatized Youth Practice Treatment

With help from medical professionals and students from the Entertainment Technology Center at Carnegie Mellon University, the Allegheny Health Network developed the TF-CBT Triangle of Life app. The game is intended to help children who have experienced trauma act out the skills they have learned from sessions with a therapist, in the hopes of reshaping their thoughts and feelings.

With a story that takes place in the jungle, children are guided to foster positive relationships between animals like lions, fish, giraffes and monkeys. Since negative thoughts and feelings have a huge impact on how a child perceives the world around them, this free-to-download game was specifically designed to help therapists aid young victims of all types of abuse lead better lives.
Trend Themes
1. Therapeutic Safari Apps - Opportunity for the development of more therapeutic apps that use gamification to help children cope with trauma and improve their mental health.
2. TF-CBT Triangle of Life - Potential for the creation of interactive tools and platforms that support Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) and enable children to practice treatment techniques outside of therapy sessions.
3. Entertainment Technology in Healthcare - Emerging field that merges entertainment technology and healthcare to develop innovative solutions for improving mental health outcomes in children.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - Opportunity for healthcare providers to leverage technology and develop therapeutic applications that enhance treatment outcomes for traumatized youth.
2. Mobile App Development - Growing demand and market opportunities for developers to create therapeutic safari apps and other mobile applications that aid in mental health treatment for children.
3. Entertainment and Gaming - Potential for the entertainment and gaming industry to collaborate with healthcare providers to create interactive experiences that promote mental well-being and resilience in children.

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