Outdoor Carbon-Free Cooking Kitchens

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Andrés Jaque Designs the Transspecies Kitchen Space

Andrés Jaque along with his New York and Madrid-based design studio has formed the Transspecies Kitchen. This carbon-free cooking kitchen is made from marble offcuts to showcase a more sustainable way of preparing foods. The meals are crafted and cooked in a woodland kitchen using methods such as fermentation rather than gas or electricity. It is on the grounds of Middleheim Museum in Belgium where it showcases live cooking demonstrations.

All of the blocks that form the kitchen are assigned a different food type and the kitchen refers to the living organisms involved in the fermentation process. Jaque notes "The Transspecies Kitchen dilutes the boundaries between kitchening, eating and decomposing, which comprise a continuum of molecular progression. It is a kitchen that decarbonises cooking and relies on fermentation as the primary form of food preparation."
Trend Themes
1. Carbon-free Kitchens - Embedding sustainability into cooking with carbon-free designs revolutionizes traditional kitchen setups.
2. Fermentation-based Cooking - Harnessing natural fermentation processes for cooking offers an innovative way to reduce reliance on gas and electricity.
3. Marble Offcut Utilization - Utilizing marble offcuts in kitchen construction demonstrates a creative approach to sustainable material use.
Industry Implications
1. Sustainable Design - Integrating eco-friendly design principles into everyday cooking practices represents a significant shift in sustainable living.
2. Green Technology - Developing technologies that enable carbon-free cooking could transform the green tech landscape.
3. Culinary Innovation - The focus on fermentation as a main cooking method points to a new frontier in culinary arts.

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