Bodybuilding Exercise Sensors

The Beast System is About Tracking Weight Lifting And Goal Setting

While there is no shortage of fitness tracking apps and wearable devices out there, this newcomer fixates on tracking weight lifting. Perfect for bodybuilders, Beast uses a sensing device and a connected app to monitor your progress. Based out of Italy, the startup is currently seeking funding via Indiegogo.

Beast is capable of tracking weight lifting by zeroing in on muscle building activity, like bodybuilding rep by rep exercises. The magnetic sensor can attach itself to dumbbells and similar workout equipment, or even the user's clothing. Once you set goals using the associated app, the tracking device will give you real-time data concerning your performance. The system will even offer tips on how to achieve your goals.
Trend Themes
1. Bodybuilding Exercise Sensors - The trend of fitness tracking sensors specializing in weight-lifting is disrupting the traditional fitness tracking market, creating opportunities for sensor technology and data analytics in the fitness industry.
2. Real-time Performance Tracking - The trend of real-time tracking for weight-lifting represents an opportunity for the fitness industry to better understand the needs of bodybuilders and offer personalized workout plans.
3. Wearable Fitness Technology - The trend towards wearable fitness tech continues to expand to niche fitness markets such as bodybuilding, presenting opportunities for entrepreneurs to specialize in unique tracking devices.
Industry Implications
1. Fitness Technology - The fitness technology industry now has the opportunity to offer specialized tracking hardware and software for weight-lifting enthusiasts, disrupting traditional approaches to fitness.
2. Data Analytics - The expanding use of physical activity tracking devices creates an opportunity for data analytics to improve fitness tracking and user experience in the fitness and wellness industries.
3. Sportswear - Bodybuilding exercise sensors can be integrated into sportswear, opening up new market opportunities for the sports apparel industry.

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