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'Top Trending on Twitter in 2011' Rounds up the Year

Social media sites like Twitter and Facebook allow for users to document not only their lives, but the world's major events, and as the 'Top Trending on Twitter in 2011' infographic shows, they even serve as a historical guide.

From protests and wars to celebrity breakups and pregnancies, the buzz terms of 2011 are a testament to what Twitter users found most shocking throughout the year. The "tweeting" trend that might be the most surprising of all, is the overwhelming response on the site to Beyonce's pregnancy announcement at the MTV Video Music Awards, which garnered 8,868 tweets per second -- more than any other event in 2011.

With 2012 shaping up to be a pretty loaded year in terms of events, as 'Top Trending on Twitter in 2012' predicts, from the Olympics to the USA presidential election, I can't wait to see what breaks the Beyonce record this year!
Trend Themes
1. Social Media Documentation - The trend of using social media sites like Twitter and Facebook to document major events provides opportunities to companies in social media marketing and consulting services.
2. Real-time Event Tracking - Real-time event tracking using Twitter can become a disruptive innovation for companies in the news and analytics industries.
3. Crowdsourced Insight - The analysis of user-generated content on Twitter and other social media platforms provides opportunities for companies in the market research and data analytics industries.
Industry Implications
1. Social Media Management and Marketing - Social media management and marketing companies can leverage the trend of using social media sites to document major events.
2. News and Analytics - News and analytics companies can develop real-time event tracking solutions that incorporate Twitter's data.
3. Market Research and Data Analytics - Market research and data analytics companies can utilize crowdsourced insight from social media platforms to provide their clients with valuable insights.

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