Top Paris stores embrace art chic

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Top Paris Stores Embrace Art Chic

Naked skin and lots of it - but not necessarily the sort of skin you might expect to find at that Parisian purveyor of luxury luggage and handbags, Louis Vuitton.

The world has become accustomed to Vuitton's initial-branded signature luggage, but this time, the naked skin is Art, with a capital A.

For Louis Vuitton's recently opened emporium in Paris is now not just a consumer temple but, from Thursday, boasts a chic art gallery on the seventh floor that will be open to the public.

The Espace Louis Vuitton is a separate space for contemporary art and culture
Trend Themes
1. Art in Luxury Retail - Luxury brands are embracing contemporary art to create unique and immersive retail experiences.
2. Retail as Cultural Hubs - Retailers are turning their stores into cultural and artistic spaces that allow for creative expression and community involvement.
3. Blurring Lines Between Retail and Art - The integration of art in retail spaces is creating a new type of shopping experience that transcends traditional retail norms.
Industry Implications
1. Luxury Retail Industry - Luxury retailers have the opportunity to leverage contemporary art to create unique and memorable brand experiences for their customers.
2. Art and Culture Industry - The art and culture industry can collaborate with retailers to create innovative and immersive art installations that attract new audiences and increase brand awareness.
3. Retail Industry - Retailers can differentiate themselves from the competition by incorporating art in their stores to create an immersive and memorable shopping experience that encourages customer loyalty.

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