This toast anime art by Hittomii features anime and manga characters on toast, similar to the popular latte art of late. The portraits are created using green tea powder and other natural items. The artist uses small pieces of bread and only toasts certain portions to get the right coloring. This also makes the images pop even more. The only issue with the toast anime designs is they're so well done, it makes one reluctant to eat the toast and ruin the pictures.
It will be interesting to see if toast art like this catches on in different brunch or breakfast restaurants as Japanese latte art has. Beyond comic characters, other intricate designs could replicated, taking it up a notch from the classic smiley face.
Japanese Toast Art
These Detailed Toast Anime Designs were Uploaded via Twitter by Hittomii
Trend Themes
1. Toast Art - Creating intricate designs on toast using natural ingredients like green tea powder presents an opportunity for unique culinary experiences.
2. Brunch Art - Expanding the concept of toast art to brunch and breakfast restaurants can offer a new form of artistic expression in food presentation.
3. Intricate Food Designs - Exploring intricate designs beyond comic characters on toast opens up possibilities for creative food presentations in various culinary settings.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry can embrace toast art as a way to offer visually appealing and unique culinary experiences.
2. Hospitality - Brunch and breakfast restaurants within the hospitality industry have the opportunity to incorporate toast art to enhance their food presentation and attract customers.
3. Art and Design - The art and design industry can explore the concept of toast art as a new form of creative expression and explore collaborations between artists and chefs.