Tmall Luxury recently introduced new features specifically to support Gen Z, the next generation of luxury buyers and a digital-first fashion-forward customer base in China. The online destination for high-end and designer brands introduced features to educate, entertain and engage this demographic, all with a focus on self-expression and identity rather than luxury as a status symbol.
On Tmall Luxury, young shoppers will find a content channel called Soho Mag, a daily livestreaming service called Soho Live and a membership program that offers personalized services.
On Tmall Luxury, 80% of the customers on the platform are 35 years old or younger. As Tmall identifies, "with the number of luxury consumers in the 18-25 age group more than doubling between July 2018 and June 2019, this younger consumer segment is set to become a bigger driver in the luxury industry."
Youthful Luxury Platforms
Tmall Luxury's New Features Educate, Entertain & Engage Gen Z Buyers
Trend Themes
1. Gen Z Luxury Buyers - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop personalized luxury experiences and services tailored to Gen Z consumers.
2. Digital-first Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create digital platforms that offer educational and entertaining content to engage young fashion-forward customers.
3. Self-expression and Identity - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Build brands and platforms that prioritize self-expression and identity over luxury as a status symbol.
Industry Implications
1. Luxury Retail - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Innovate the luxury retail experience to cater to the preferences and behaviors of Gen Z consumers.
2. Fashion E-commerce - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop digital platforms that offer personalized services, livestreaming, and informative content for young fashion enthusiasts.
3. Membership Programs - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create membership programs that provide personalized services and experiences for Gen Z luxury buyers.