Consumption-Reducing Plates

Thrive Portion Ware Helps You Eat Less Food

Thrive Portion Ware is a unique cup and set of plates that helps people become more mindful of how much food they are eating. Created by Sally Ng, the plates help manage food intake by reducing it 20 percent.

The Thrive Portion Ware plates are a brilliant concept from a designer who is concerned about how people interact with their environments and wants to bring about social change. Keep an eye out for Sally Ng, as she is sure to have more excellent design concepts in the future; Thrive Portion Ware is an ingenious product.

Implications - Consumers are attracted by products and services that can help them live better and fuller lives. The Thrive Portion Ware helps consumers become more mindful of how much they are eating. Companies should use this as a template for their own attempts at helping improve the lives of their customers.
Trend Themes
1. Mindful Eating Products - The trend of mindful eating products is growing as consumers seek tools to help them control portion sizes and make healthier food choices.
2. Sustainable Tableware - The use of sustainable tableware, such as the Thrive Portion Ware plates, is gaining popularity as consumers become more conscious of their environmental impact.
3. Design for Social Change - Designers like Sally Ng are bringing about social change through innovative products like Thrive Portion Ware, prompting more companies to consider design-led approaches to address social issues.
Industry Implications
1. Health and Wellness - The health and wellness industry can leverage the trend of mindful eating products to develop new solutions that support healthier eating habits.
2. Hospitality and Food Service - Restaurants and food service providers can embrace sustainable tableware to cater to the growing demand for environmentally-friendly dining options.
3. Product Design and Manufacturing - The product design and manufacturing industry has an opportunity to collaborate with designers focused on social change, like Sally Ng, to create innovative and impactful products.

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