We've all been warned about the dangers of smoking and second hand smoke, but third hand smoke is something you don't hear about too often. After cigarette smoke is exhaled, third hand smoke is what gets absorbed by furniture, clothes and walls and poses a threat to the health of smokers and non-smokers alike. It's said that there 4,000 chemicals linger after a cigarette is put out, which could eventually lead to the onset of cancer.
This ad from The Israel Cancer Association is quite timely, considering that May 31st is annually recognized as World No Tobacco Day and June 1st is National Cancer Survivors day. With this ad, a couch shaped like a giant cigarette shows that you might be constantly breathing in smoke, even if you don't have a lit cigarette in your hands.
Smoking Furniture Ads
The Israel Cancer Association Warns About Third Hand Smoke
Trend Themes
1. Third-hand Smoke Awareness - There's an opportunity for the development of products to reduce the exposure of third-hand smoke, such as fabrics and furniture that repel smoke particles.
2. Alternative Smoking Methods - There's an opportunity for the development of new and healthier ways of smoking, such as e-cigarettes and other smokeless devices.
3. Cancer Prevention Ads - There's an opportunity for the creation of more public awareness campaigns by health organizations, stressing the dangers of smoking and the negative effects of third-hand smoke.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Manufacturing - Furniture companies can create products made from materials that reduce the absorption of smoke, creating unique and innovative product lines.
2. Textile Industry - The textile industry can develop fabrics that are resistant to smoke absorption, leading to healthier and cleaner environments.
3. Healthcare Industry - There's a need for more resources and funding for cancer prevention and research, which can provide new and innovative breakthroughs in cancer treatment and prevention.