The Savvy Giver is a free newsletter and website for people who love to give AND receive. It's an insider's guide to who's selling what to help whom. Advertisers call it cause marketing. You call it guilt-free shopping!
Not totally proud of your self-serving ways? Relax.
Will this be a trend?
Implications - The Savvy Giver is one publication that would definitely prove useful to a wide number of people, so I'd definitely recommend checking it out whenever you can. Who knows, you might just find something in there that you've always wanted. On top of that, if you feel like giving back you could always list something of your own. Give and ye shall receive!
The $avvy Giver
The $avvy Giver
Trend Themes
1. Cause Marketing - Opportunity for businesses to align with charitable causes and promote guilt-free shopping.
2. Insider's Guide - Demand for curated content that provides information on products/services catering to both giving and receiving.
3. Self-serving Philanthropy - Growing interest in finding ways to give back while also benefiting personally.
Industry Implications
1. Publishing - Creating and distributing newsletters or websites that highlight products/services for cause marketing purposes.
2. E-commerce - Online platforms for guilt-free shopping that promote products supporting charitable causes.
3. Sharing Economy - Platforms enabling individuals to list and trade their own goods to encourage self-serving philanthropy.