Conservative Shower Water Monitors

The Tank Lets You Celebrate Your Saving Effort

The Tank is a show of your shower conservation techniques, as well as what temperature you like to take your showers in.

The shower monitoring system, designed by Charles Skender, measures the amount of water a person uses every time they enter the shower, and also presets temperatures so there is no fiddling and meddling around with what is already good in the world. The inspiration for the design comes from the idea of conservation, and celebrating small successes given that less than average rainfalls in Australia have resulted in lowered average yield from dams and seen an increased reliance on groundwater and desalinated water supplies, according to Skender.

The Tank has a user interface on the main contraption, a dial, flow meter, Wi-Fi connectivity—so the information can be fast-tracked to social networks even before you’re out of the shower—and a latching solenoid. The Tank is installed between the shower head and the water pipe, and the flow of water is displayed on the live feedback reader. The "success" of your conservation can be "broadcasted to an online forum."
Trend Themes
1. Water Conservation Monitoring - Designing water conservation monitoring systems that can track how much water is used every time someone takes a shower.
2. Smart Shower Heads - Creating smart shower heads that can preset desired temperatures and track water usage in real-time.
3. Sustainability Tracking Devices - Developing sustainability tracking devices that can measure the impact of actions on the environment and celebrate small successes.
Industry Implications
1. Smart Home Industry - Incorporating water conservation monitoring devices into smart home systems and creating a sustainable home.
2. Green Technology Industry - Developing sustainable technology that helps individuals conserve resources and reduce their impact on the environment.
3. Environmental Services Industry - Offering environmental services that help individuals and businesses track their impact on the planet and take steps towards sustainability.

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